Why Do Dogs Roll in Poop?
Most pet owners have undoubtedly witnessed the rather unsavory sight of a dog rolling in poop or dead things. But why do they do it? While there is not yet a scientific explanation for this behavior, there are theories.
Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers and Should You Cut Them?
When you think of whiskers, you probably picture cats, but dogs also possess a set of whiskers on their muzzle, cheeks, and above their eyes that serve important specific purposes.
Understanding Canine Dysfunctional Behavior
Does your dog exhibit autism-like behavior? I have had several clients ask me if their dog could have autism and whether this could explain...
Why Do Dogs Take Their Food to Different Places?
It’s dinnertime, and you’ve put your dog’s filled food bowl on the floor in its normal place. A couple of minutes later, you walk into your bedroom and hear a crunch underfoot, only to discover pieces of kibble scattered everywhere, and your pup happily devouring it, piece by piece.
Why Do Dogs Circle before Lying Down?
Others say they only do it once. And still others say they don’t do it at all. So, what’s the truth about whether dogs turn in a circle before they lie down?
Is Your Puppy Ruining Your Family Dinners?
Puppies begging for food are adorable, but begging at every meal will quickly drive puppy owners a little crazy. Here are some effective ways to stop puppies from begging and reinforce good behaviors instead.
Why Do Dogs Dig?
Are dogs digging in search of invasive creatures like gophers and voles? Are they doing it because perhaps once upon a time, a bone was buried there? Are they doing it just because it’s fun, like a child digging in a sandpile? It may be all of the above.
When Dog Drool is More Than Just Gross
Dogs drool. Some just drool a little once in a while, while others drool a lot. Some dogs are also just plain built to drool. Drooling can happen for structural, behavioral, and medical reasons.
Flehmen Response in Dogs
It is possible that a dog who is panting more out of interest or excitement rather than fatigue may be using that open-mouth tongue-out posture to bring more air past Jacobson’s organ to help identify a smell.
How to Calm a Scared Dog
You are your dog’s person, his caretaker and partner in life. When he is scared, he will naturally look to you for comfort. Your job in these situations is to stay calm and be his rock.
Be BiteSmart: Teaching Children to Speak Dog
Without proper education and supervision, children (and adults, too) can—in all innocence and with the best of intentions—put a dog in a position where the dog feels like her only recourse is to bite.
What to Do with a Dog Who Bites Their Owner
Living with a dog who bites their owner, or other people for that matter, can be scary, stressful and in some cases - dangerous....