
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Dental Health

pale dog gums

Healthy Dog Gums vs Unhealthy Dog Gums: The Colors to Watch Out For

Did you know that the color and condition of your dog’s gums can give you important clues about her health? Paying attention to these...

Dog Has Bad Breath?

facial and otherwise. The beard

How to Prevent Your Dog From Developing Periodontal Disease and Cracked Teeth

veterinary dentists say they are responsible for far more than their share of broken molars in dogs who chew them. Large bones

Your Dog’s Bad Breath Can Signal Oral Health Problems

Chronic bad breath is not a normal, healthy condition. Even though it is true that dogs will sometimes eat UFOs (Unidentifiable Fetid Objects), unpleasant things collected from unspeakable sources that can make their mouths smell unbearable for short periods of time, their breath should never remain foul. And while hal-itosis (bad breath) is sometimes caused by indigestion or other imbalances deeper in the digestive tract, it is more commonly attributable to plaque; a buildup of anaerobic bacteria on the teeth and gum tissues.

Canine Dental Care

Some dogs have sparkling white teeth (or at least, whitish teeth that are free of tartar) throughout their lifetimes, with absolutely no thought or effort required of their owners. Those are the lucky ones – the owners, I mean – because more than 80 percent of dogs develop a form of canine gum disease by the age of just three years, according to the American Veterinary Dental Society. The owners of those dogs – that is, most of us – should be brushing our dogs’ teeth regularly to prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar that precipitates gum disease. Proponents of raw dog food diets believe that the mechanical action of chewing raw meat and bones and the superior nutrition provided by the diets help maintain healthy teeth. That may be true, but for dogs on more conventional diets, regular brushing is the most effective method of keeping a dog’s teeth free of tartar and plaque.

How & Why You Should Manage Your Dog’s Dental Hygiene

The good news: you can give your dog a thorough brush job in just two minutes a day. The bad news: few dogs fancy having their teeth brushed, and there ain't no Holy Grail of Canine Tooth Brushing, despite my attempts to extract one from Angela Mees, DVM, who owns a practice limited to veterinary dentistry in suburban Atlanta.

Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleaning For Your Dog

Most of us have seen signs or advertisements for anesthesia-free teeth cleaning" for dogs and cats. To most people
A Border Collie gets its teeth examined at the veterinarian. The dog's teeth are not in good condition.

Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleaning for Dogs

Many people are anxious about having their dogs undergo general anesthesia. But the reality is that cleaning the teeth without the benefit of general anesthesia will do more harm than good.

Could a Raw Dog Food Diet Replace the Need to Brush?

Many raw dog food diet proponents claim that the nutrients and/or chemical composition of a raw diet keeps dogs from developing gingivitis or periodontitis. We’re not aware of any studies that have proven these claims, but the persistence of the anecdotal evidence of this phenomenon (to say nothing of its evolutionary success) suggest that there are dental benefits to a diet that includes raw, meaty bones.
A fly-fisherman and his dog watch as a Brown Trout is released back to the river.

Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish?

A fishy odor is not normal for a dog. If you note your dog smelling like fish then it can indicate an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.
A cute dog chewing on a hard deer antler that can damage its teeth.

Are Antlers Safe for Dogs?

The biggest risk for dogs from chewing on antlers is broken teeth. Antlers can also splinter and damage a dogs digestive track, or block it.
A black lab sits on its hind legs on an empty wooded trail with fallen autumn leaves, licking its tongue humorously.

Why Dogs Lick Excessively

Dogs may lick their lips in anticipation of food or a tasty treat. However, the behavior can indicate a variety of health issues when it isn't associated with food, a treat, or a reward.

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.