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Human Focus

Moving with Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Moving to a new house regardless of whether it's down the street or across the country is stressful for anyone, but for dogs it can be especially confusing and upsetting. I just moved my three dogs (ages 16 years to 21 months, 10 pounds to 100 pounds) from New York City to Portland, Oregon. The move has been a bit hectic, but my biggest priority has been creating stability and consistency for my dogs.

What to Think About When Petting Your Dog

Those of us who like dogs can't help but touch them. We are irresistibly drawn to adore them with our hands, to pet them, stroke them, rub their ears, and get lost in the ecstasy of dog beneath our fingertips. Dogs pull not only our hearts but also our hands into a companionship of touch, a relationship we hope is mutually satisfying. Caressing a dog can be a direct line to nirvana, calming nerves, lifting mood, relieving suffering, a spiritual experience that soothes the soul.

4 Ways to Be a Better Dog Owner

check with your neighbors to learn whether he also barks – or barks more – when you're not home. Frequent barking can turn a nice neighbor into a resentful one very quickly.üSome of your guests won't mind when your dog jumps all over them

Attorneys who Specialize in Animal Law, or “Dog Lawyers”

You’re out for a walk in the park with Sasha, your 6-month-old German Shepherd, who is a little nervous around small children. Suddenly out of nowhere, a five-year-old girl runs up from behind squealing, “Can I pet your dog?” while grabbing for Sasha’s head. A freaked out Sasha reacts by biting the girl’s arm, and it’s more than just a nip. A frantic scene ensues complete with screeching from both the girl and her parents. You are subsequently sued for significant damages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. You need a dog lawyer!

Dog Walking Apps: Are They Safe?

When you use a dog walking app service, you are inviting a stranger into your home who you have not vetted. You are handing your four-legged family member, with all his or her unique quirks, to a well-intentioned dog lover who most likely does not have the requisite education and training to keep your dog safe by understanding body language, recognizing early warning signs, knowing how to avoid incident, and what to do should something go wrong. This puts your dog at greater risk.

How Dogs Interpret Your Body Language

People who work successfully with dogs either have good instincts about how to interact with them, or they learn quickly. There is a real art to using body language to help a dog feel at ease with your presence. The most competent professionals make training look almost effortless, because all the messages they convey to their canine pupils are calm, clear, and consistent – and that means both the cues and rewards they use consciously, and the posture and movements they use without thinking.

Low-Stress Dog Handling

Discover the works of Dr. Overall and Dr. Yin, whose books have sparked a movement canonizing holistic and force-free handling of animals.

5 Things To Do When You Find A Stray Dog

I don't know a single dog owner who hasn't, at some point (or quite frequently), spent an inordinate amount of time trying to capture a stray or lost dog. I know I've caught more than my share in the small town, or its rural surroundings, where I've lived for the past five years. I've caught burr-covered, obviously lost hunting dogs; dogs whose injuries suggested they'd tumbled from the back of a truck; as well as some fluffy little lap-escapees who looked like they were just out for an adventure.

Excerpts From P&G Pet Care’s Animal Studies Policy

We fully support the internationally accepted principles: replacement of animal studies with non-animal alternatives, reduction in the numbers of animals involved in studies, and the refinement of methods to enhance animal welfare. We involve animals only if there is no valid non-animal option. We do not fund studies that require the loss of life of cats or dogs. We only conduct dog and cat studies that are the veterinary equivalent of nutritional or medical studies acceptable on people, including: urine, feces, blood and immune cell analysis, allergy tests, and skin and muscle biopsies.

Camera-Phone Portraits of Your Pup? There’s an App for That!

Most smart phones now feature cameras that shoot in 6-megapixels or higher, providing photos with good resolution and detail. The large screens make it easy to compose a shot without holding the camera directly up to your face, which makes some dogs shy away. (My Whippet seems to hate when I point a traditional camera at her; it’s something we’re working on. I joke that she thinks it will steal her soul.)

Telepathic Communication With Your Dog

Have you ever looked up suddenly and seen your dog staring at you intensely, longingly – a look that grows no less pleading when you offer treats, a walk, or a scratch behind the ears? Or perhaps you’ve seen your dog leap up at some seemingly nonexistent noise, sniffing and whining for no reason you can imagine. Have you wished that you could know what your animal wants, understand what he’s thinking? Or have you ever wondered, when your dog mysteriously disappears at bath time, if he knows what you’re thinking?
dog and person with walker

Dog Care When You’re Down

No one likes to think about having major surgery. The thought of being temporarily disabled is scary enough, but when you factor in caring for your dog or dogs by yourself afterward, the fears multiply. Don’t worry! The following tips will help you navigate your recovery with ease while taking care of your canine companions. (The tips can easily be applied to caring for other pets as well.)

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.