Behavior Medication Opens Doors


After about six weeks of living with Trill, Dr. Sharp knew that the frightened, anxious dog needed something more. The training and behavior protocols were working in the sense that the dog was cooperative, but Trill still had a panicked look in her eyes much of the time. Sharp was concerned: No animal should have to live with that much fear, she thought.

Dr. Sharp made the decision to put Trill on fluoxetine (Prozac). Within a few short weeks, Trillย’s panicked look went away. Trill began to engage more and learn faster. Soon she began to show signs of excitement and even happiness.

If you are living or working with a fearful dog, ask yourself: How is my dogย’s overall quality of life? Is she mostly happy and content? Or does her chronic fear affect her daily activities? If fear significantly affects your dogย’s quality of life, consider consulting with a veterinary behavior specialist, and ask if behavior