I just received an email announcing the publication of a book written by one of Whole Dog Journal’s favorite veterinarians, W. Jean Dodds, founder of Hemopet canine blood bank. Dr. Dodds has long been interested in canine thyroid disorders; years ago, I heard her present a riveting seminar on the topic at one of the annual meetings of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA). The book, co-written by Diana Laverdure, is entitled The Canine Thyroid Epidemic: Answers You Need for Your Dog. Orders for the book are being taken by its publisher, Dogwise.com (800-776-2665); the price is $20.

I haven’t had a chance to read the book yet. The press release from Dogwise describes it like this: “In this valuable new book, Jean and Diana explore why canine thyroid disease is so often misdiagnosed or left untreated. The answer lies in part because the symptoms of canine thyroid disease are so varied (both physical and behavioral) and many vets have not been taught the proper way to test for it. The tragedy in all this is that most thyroid problems can be treated successfully once they are properly diagnosed. This book will arm you with what you need to know about thyroid disease so that you have a much better chance of recognizing it and then how to work with your vet to get the proper treatment. You need to play the role of your dog’s health advocate in any event, but it is very important in situations where thyroid problems are suspected.”
Dr. Dodds was extensively quoted in a Whole Dog Journal article “Help for Hypothyroidism,” about problems caused by low thyroid levels in dogs, way back in the June 2005 issue. That’s a great resource to review (subscribers have free access to all back article, remember!) while you’re waiting for your copy of the new book to arrive!