What Your Dog Remembers
and chased them in dozens of places. But only in that one place did he catch a squirrel so unaware
Do Dogs Dream?
My old Border Collie Rupert used to herd in his sleep. Which was funny, because he was a failed sheepdog who never showed a sign of wanting to herd any animal when he was awake. But when he dreamed, his ankles flexed in a galloping rhythm and his lips curled and his eyes rolled around as he herded sheep. I'm sure of it.
Perfect Playmates
Is there anything as good as the perfect playmate for your young, playful dog? One who is about the same size and weight and has the same style of play as your dog? I'm dog-sitting my son's dog, Cole, for three whole weeks while he travels out of the country for his sport. Cole is a coonhound/Lab-mix, just about at the one-year mark - grown-up enough to not offend my now-seven-year-old Otto with his very presence on the planet, but young enough to still crave daily sessions of play.
Adoption Counseling
it became evident that the dog was not comfortable with the child. Because I strongly feel that dogs who live with kids ought to be especially forgiving of human behavior and sincerely like kids
A Sad Tale from the Vet’s Office
and what could wait. He said the dog had gotten loose on his job site
Portrait of Three Dogs in My Family
Otto is my own mixed-breed dog, nearly seven years old and wise. He always knows when IÂ’m feeling down, and positions himself nearby. HeÂ’s...
Dog-Sitting: A Family Affair
In The Blink of An Eye, Everything Can Change with Dogs
the two-year-old smacks the dog on the face
Do What Fills You
Information Overload?
Put in a Good Word for Your Favorite Dog-Related Businesses
After spending most of my life handling all of my dogs' grooming needs, I discovered the joys of engaging the services of a professional groomer. It was sort of a happy accident. Otto had rolled in an extremely dead, long-dead, disgustingly dead salmon, and had rancid salmon oil all over his head, neck, and shoulders. Every time I got close to him I gagged. And it was early winter, so it was too cold to consider washing him with a hose. I called the owner of a grooming salon who donates her services to the worst cases at my local shelter and told her about my predicament. i didn't pull my punches, I told her I seriously was going to vomit if I had to do it, and someone else might vomit also. I told her that I'd pay ANYTHING she asked. I was serious.
Newly adopted dog? Don’t take the leash off anytime soon