In the September issue of Whole Dog Journal, author/trainer/training editor Pat Miller describes how she obtained the latest canine addition to her family – via a posting on Craigslist. She wrote:
“Look – I have warned people about the very real and significant dangers of trying to sell or adopt pets through Craigslist. Scammers get dogs for free or cheap from unsuspecting owners, and then charge exorbitant fees to adopt them to others as “rescues.” Or worse, hoard or abuse them.
“But I would be at the other end of the equation. I would be a responsible human trying to adopt a dog for our legitimate home, perhaps even saving a dog from one of those awful fates.”

I recently advised another friend to look on Craigslist, too. My friend Mike is looking for a young dog (not a puppy), who is between 30 and 40 pounds (he and his partner live in a tiny house, but have always had bigger dogs and don’t want a small one), and who has a very short coat (they live in the Sierra foothills, where there are lots of stickers and ticks). He and his partner have been scouring shelters and rescue groups for months without finding just the right dog. I am proud of their patience, because they take being responsible owners very seriously; their new dog, when they find him or her, will be very well cared for. But they also are retired, and they don’t want what could conceivably be the last part of their lives burdened with a dog who is unsuited for them. The perfect dog for them has not popped up in a shelter just yet, so I suggested that they also look at Craigslist posts for dogs who need new homes – and I went looking there, too.
Be forewarned, though: Looking at the “pets” section of any city’s or area’s Craigslist page can be upsetting, not least because of the sheer number of people who are looking to rehome their dogs for any of a host of reasons. At least they are trying to find a new home for their dogs, and some people, apparently, do find great new homes for their companions – look at Pat Miller!
However, in order read the listings for individual dogs in need of homes, you have to wade through dozens of ads from backyard breeders. The more time I spend on Craigslist, the more angry and aggravated I get.

Why so mad? Well, according to Craigslist’s terms of service, “the sale of pets is prohibited, though re-homing with small adoption fees is acceptable.” We’ve seen “small adoption fee” described as the approximate amount of money that the lister has spent very recently on the animal’s care, but the fact is, there is no formal limit as to what comprises a “small adoption fee” – and so, perhaps due to the lack of either definitions or enforcement, listings for dogs and puppies (and every other type of companion animal) are present by the dozen on any local Craigslist you may see. Literally ALL of the ads for puppies tout the “small rehoming fee” they want for the pups that, in most cases, have been bred deliberately in order to make money.

I am in no way against responsible breeding, conducted by knowledgeable people with suitable dogs, with care taken to raise, socialize, and provide medical care for the puppies. But that is just NOT what you see on Craigslist. Instead, you find hundreds of mixed-breed and unregistered but purportedly “purebred” pups, photographed in dirty environments (with the blank gazes of unhandled neonates), being made available to anyone with the money for the “rehoming fee.” What is clear to me is that many of the dogs purchased in this way (or who have gone too long unpurchased) will end up in my local shelter and shelters everywhere.
Overrepresented in particular on Craigslist are puppies for sale from pitbull-type dogs of every description. The ads try to make them sound exotic and special – so-called red-noses and blue-noses and dogs of bizarre dimensions, large and small. The fact is, far more of these “bully breeds” are being bred than anyone can find homes for, and these sorts of dogs are also represented out of all proportion in probably every shelter in this country – and every freezer full of euthanized dogs at the shelters that still take on this unthinkable task. When I look at the ads for these puppies, I am just filled with sadness and rage.
What can a person do? Craigslist’s recommended solution is “flagging” ads that violate its standards. There is a small chevron-shaped box with a grey “X” in it that users can click to make an ad that violates the Craigslist prohibition on selling puppies (or stud service) disappear, at least temporarily. I know people who make it a habit to check Craigslist in their area daily, flagging all the ads for puppies they find. It’s a start, but it sure seems like a task that could easily be automated, Craig Newmark.
And today, frankly, there is a larger platform that needs just as much reform. In the past few years, user groups dedicated to selling certain types of dogs and puppies or selling puppies in certain areas mushroomed in size and number – despite Facebook’s supposed prohibition on selling animals or animal services on Facebook.

For years, Facebook didn’t seem to take any action against obvious violators of its prohibition on animal sales, but reportedly in 2016, when it launched its Marketplace feature (where anyone could list many things, though supposedly not animals, for sale), Facebook began using algorithms meant to detect and delete ads for live animals.

Facebook also added a mechanism for users to report ads for puppies and other animals for sale – but users take evasive actions, such as listing their puppies for sale on “discussion” boards, rather than on the page for “items for sale.” The task of flagging these ads is just like it is at Craigslist: a bit like playing “whack-a-mole.”
You may ask: Is there a place or way for responsible breeders to advertise their puppies? Of course there is, and I’ll talk about that more in next week’s blog post. But, in my opinion, neither Facebook groups nor Craigslist ads should be considered a source for puppies.

What do you think? Have you had an experience, good or bad, with buying or selling puppies in one of these forums?
You are absolutely right about this one. I have called a person who has puppies and I wanted to get the rehomming fee, it was a very good price so I traveled the 70 miles one way and I got the puppy when I got home the poor baby pup was so sick and it had a broken tail in two places took it to the vet only to be told that I have to put it down because of parvo. I was so sad that this puppy was only 6weeks old and I was out the 60.00$ dollars. I found it on CREIGLIST NEVER AGAIN WILL I BE GETTING A PUPPY ON THAT BUTCHERED WEBSITE.
I’m not a breeder I own four German Shepherds two are fixed. I am a responsible owner , they get heart wormer monthly and I take them to the vet. I have and do allow my other two Shepherds, male and female to breed but my females are bred twice and I do sell the puppies on Craigslist. They are vetted before hand and rehomed with a price. I do it yes to offset some of my costs for raising the adults. I have discovered also if you give a puppy away people get tired of it unless they have an investment in it that being the case their is more chance of finding a responsible owner. I do have my females fixed after two litters. I’m not a breeder under definition .
This is breeding. Don’t perpetuate the problem.
Dont breed AT ALL, there are too many dogs and too much suffering
Don’t be fooled into believing that the puppies are healthy on CREIGLIST they’re not
Yall need to get a life. Where do you think the puppies go if an owner can’t sell/rehome them? Shelters or dumped. You high and mighty asses. Trying to prevent animal abuse but you one way thinkers don’t understand the outcome of what you’re doing and how you could be endangering more animal lives through your actions. Posts with legit rehoming are getting flagged because of you activists thinking you’re doing the “right thing”. Mind your damn business.
Oh my goodness this article is just what I was looking for. We are in the process of going after and suing one of these horrible Craigslist sellers. Everything you said is true. But my next goal is to put an end to the Craigslist pet section. How can we do this?
I had gotten a lab puppy from a breeder it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be but my son was not really good with it so I put it on Craigslist to re-home it it ended up with the awesome home and all I did was get part of the money back that I spent for it I can stay in contact with the people that have my puppy now I get to get pictures of the dog so I feel good about it I do feel bad that when I go on and look for a cat after my cat was disappeared that I could not find a free kitten on Craigslist I think it’s ridiculous the amount that they charge for kittens I went back to the original the cat where I got my kitten from and the lady a she had kittens again I was very happy to find that I think it’s ridiculous that you have to pay an astronomical amount for a kitten kitten should be free or $20 really you know people can go and get their own shots for kittens they shouldn’t have to come with all their shots it kittens people should not be paying astronomical amounts for them same things with dogs and people looking for puppies and their on Craigslist is because he can’t afford to go to a breeder so I have to agree it’s one thing if somebody paid an amount to a breeder to get a dog and then looking to try to recoup what they paid or an amount of it you know and they can prove that they have this amount that they put into the dog and then rehoming it that’s one thing but if they got it from a shelter and I need to re-home at the shelter will take it back so it should be free if it came from a shelter if she returned to the shelter when you get a dog from a breeder and you don’t exactly like the Breather and you want to find a better home for the dog because your son is not good with the dog and you’re trying to do better for the dog I think you should be able to rehome a dog on Craigslist my dog has an awesome home now he’s very happy and I’m very glad that I got to give it the the home Scooby has now.
I need kitten
Punctuation would be helpful for others to read your comment.
I really wanted to understand what you were saying but due to your lack of punctuation it is about impossible
Yes. Thank you! I’m glad someone said it.
Yes. Thank you! I’m glad someone said it.
Stop buying animals. Go to a shelter. This is awful.
Our story of adopting a dog through Craigslist is a little different and perhaps dated. In August of 2007 we found our dog Cody on Craigslist, advertised by a young man named Joey who had raised her from a puppy that a friend had found abandoned. In his ad, Joey described Cody, a 1½-year-old 65-pound female Ridgeback/Lab mix, as “The World’s Best Dog,” and said he had to give her up as he was moving to the Bay Area to take over his grandparents’ Italian dessert business. It was all true. We visited Cody in Joey’s apartment, where she jumped into my lap and attacked me with kisses. We thought about it for a day or so, and decided to take her. Joey brought her to our home the next day, and said a tearful goodbye to her. Cody quickly adapted and lived up to Joey’s description of her. She was a super dog, with us for almost 12 years before we lost her to liver cancer a couple of weeks ago. We’ve been looking for another dog to fill our lives as Cody did, a very tall order, and once again we’ve looked at ads on Craigslist. The good ones are few and far between, but there are some that sound promising. So don’t give up completely on Craigslist — just use some common sense.
Just got a 5 month old Dachshund off criegslist. Didn’t know people weren’t supposed to use it to sale pets. I had a good experience my dog is healthy and happy. The people who had her were nice and seemed knowledgeable. To bad there are people out there ruining things for others.
I think not all the people on craigslist are there just on their to make a buck and some people are there to try to make sure there dogs or cat or what ever they are selling gets good homes ,their is some people like you all just don’t got a life and like to be in other people business. Don’t get wrong if I would see a animal not just a dog in distress I would probably do something about it but I wouldn’t punish other for one person’s faults, I think it’s just not right
Interesting article but sounds a bit militant and, er, dogmatic. The writer is a good example of the pet ad vigilante, approvingly endorsing the interfering with other people’s private business, flagging right and left, hate-trolling people trying to home their animals. All under the banner of helping the animals by harming the humans. Right there, without knowing what people’s situations are, pet ad vigilantes self-righteously judge and insert themselves into other people’s business. They have no credibility. Maybe get a life and mind their own business?
Exactly what I was thinking! People need to mind their own business! Most people I know arent trying to spend 1200 bucks on a puppy, and could care less if the dog has “papers” and are just trying to find a descent puppy for their families/children! And lets get real, a small rehoming fee these days is more than $50! People are smart enough to make their own decisions and these “flaggers” need to go lay down!
First I wouldnt have gone to craigslist in the first place if breeders weren’t so greedy and over bering about there dogs that there are as many bad breeders with web sites as craigslist scammers. I’ve had the most exotic dogs in the world and only 2 out of about 10 have been excellent pets. In total ive spent about 35,000 on pets from breeders with actual sites and 2 of those weren’t even the dogs I was paying for or had the temperament as stated. There are as many bad breeders as crooks on craigslist.Ive trained schutzhund dogs in the past and some of the best dogs came from the strangest places in short know your dogs and the signs of health and craigslist is as good as any..sure theres some scammers there but they only thrive when people purchase blindly cute sells..even the fat kid was once cute and cuddly. That said I purchased recently from craigslist one if the most intelligent pups I’ve ever had , a goldendoodle at 900.00 dollars it wasn’t cheap but not nearly as expensive as breeders were new pet could have easily fetched 2500.00 from the so called legit breeders and I’ve actually spent that much at least 3 times in my 63 years. At the schuthund training field theres a saying..a good dog is where you find it and I’ve found d that to be absolutely true..that said I’ve flagged some on craigslist in the past some ads actually look like they were written by a scammer..funny thing is I actually took a firearm with me to purchase my doodle just in case but when I met the woman and her husband they were as hesitant as some of you and when she kissed the puppy good bye I knew I had made a good choice…5 months later I still keep in contact and this pup is right up there with some of the greatest dogs I’ve ever had..was I lucky sure I was but I know dogs and you should to before making a stupid purchase..dont blame CL for a stupid decision. I do have to agree that theres more garbage there than great fi ds but you need to do your homework to make sure your not another notch in a scammers belt…trust me theres lot of scamming legit breeder..dont be naive.
Totally agree. There are many responsible hobby Breeders that advertise on craigslist and Facebook. Hobby Breeders do it for the love of the breed. There is nothing wrong with a hobby Breeder getting compensated for their time and materials to produce healthy, socialized puppies that are good representations of the breed. The writer of this article is obviously ignorant of the the time and expense required to produce healthy socialized puppies. She has now idea that it is a 24/7 job to properly welp healthy puppies, keeping a clean germ free environment, best food, vet exams, proper housing with heat and ac all costs money and time
Are you kidding me???? Get a life!!!!!! Craigslist is the first place dog fighters go for “stock”. Get knowledge before you attack someone- perhaps a brain and some common sense would help as well!!!!
I’ve bought my last three dogs on craigslist spent any where from 50 to 175 dollars. Which is much more reasonable then going to one of these “reputable” websites your looking at spending 500 dollars or more for a mix breed. Which is silly. I’ve had nothing but good experiences from what I’ve purchased on craigslist. Now once I drove 2 hours to get a dog and the place was so filthy I didn’t even bother to stop. That is how you can be a responsible buyer. Just like all these people and pet stores that purchase from puppy mills. I think that is more cruel then buying one from craigslist. If you want to flame someone, try a company like Petland who sells nothing but puppy mill puppies for thousands of dollars.
I was reading to see if anyone had puppies who needed a good home, for small dogs I have raised 6 adopted dogs and 4 cats in last 20 years. All but one, of those babies lived well Into their teens. Everyone of those animals just needed, someone to love them, along with
I’m glad I have better things to do, besides worrying about other people, and what they are reading. Maybe next time you will say nice things to other’s.
My family and i just bought a pit puppy 3 weeks ago from CL and it was our first time doing so. Not a totally bad experience but it wasn’t the greatest either. We tried the Humane Society and i have to say that experience was much worse. That place smelled so bad, the animals looked so sad, and the manager was an extremely nasty woman with a very bad attitude! Went home the same night got on the computer went to CL and saw the ad called the man and we were on our way an hr and a half later met him. We paid the same amount the Humane Society was charging for their pups. The location was a little sketchy we were nervous but 10 minutes later my husband walked out with our fur baby in his arms and our daughters have been so happy!! He got a bath as soon as we got home and was seen by his vet a week ago to start him on his shots and hes the happiest lil nugget ever…i would do it again if i had to.
I think your crazy…..why talk about this issue you have no idea whst people pay these days and when the puppy does not work out they are not allowed to rehome their puppy for what they gave to get their money back.dogs these days are not cheap……if a person isnt responsible enough not to sell it to someone thats just going to sell it they should not own a fog or puppy in the first place.people need to get a life and worry about them own selves then who or how much they are selling their animals tgrive on being nosey and really only care for you.small fees yeah let all the flippers buy and resell .if an animal is set at a higher fee and someone is willing to pay chances are its not a flipper because no profit can be made and the pet is going to a good home and not abused…..fir example someone buys a yorkie 1000$ tgey are not allowed to ask what they paid.people need to realize a small fee is putting the dog or puppy in danger of being is one of the reason shelter pets are not getting adopted.because of their small fee policy.if anyone really cared about these animals that rule should not be allowed and any puppy under 12 weeks should not be allowed posted there.
I’m looking for a puppy for my grand daughter’s 5th birthday. My son, her father passed away at 26 a couple years ago
Can you help us fulfill her wish
We’re willing to travel.
I want to warn future puppy buyers about another real threat out there. I’m going to make this short. There are thousands of websites set up that claim they are a legitimate breeders. They have beautiful websites and present themselves to be such breeders. I happen to be looking for a shihtzu puppy for my child with cancer. I spoke, textex, and e-mailed with them back and for about the transaction. From the time they picked up my money at 6:19 pm on July 12, I was unable to get a Hold of them. They would not answer my phone calls, respond to my texts or e-mails. I had been scammed. It wasn’t so much the money as the heartbreak if my sick child who had in his heart already lived the puppy. I know now, I learned the hard way you never buy anything through wire transfer. I had never bought anything off the internet before and they told me this was how it was done. After being scammed out of my money and speaking with Western Union and The Federal Trade commission and filing complaints against this company called Ultimate Shihtzu’s. I made several other calls to other website claiming to be legitimate breeders. Claiming I was interested in one of their puppies. The story was exactly the same, except he want a CVS money gram. I asked why he couldn’t take my debit card. He said they did not take debit or credit cards because of all the illegal use surrounding them. Ha that’s ironic. So I suggested pay pal. He just changed the subject on that. Everyone I brought it up he steered me in a different direction. One man continued to contact me for days. I told him how I had been scammed two days before and was gun shy. His response to me was that not everyone was like that. That he was just a puppy lover trying to find good homes for his puppies and would never scam anyone so I should just run down to my local western union and send him the money. That I could trust him. I am not sure if even one of these sites are legit. I’m sorry but all those beautiful puppy pictures that they post for sale probably don’t even exist. Be warned. Never send money to someone you have not met and legit breeders will only ask for a small deposit to hold your pup. And never under any circumstances. Send them money. You will never see it or the puppy again.
I got scammed the same way I gave the money to Pam. She was just as sweet as could be. Until the day she was supposed to meet me. She never showed up and wouldn’t answer my phone calls or texts. I just out 500.00 she blocked my calls. I was told there really wasn’t much I could. I did learn my lesson thou
If you spent as much time actually trying to help rather than judge from inside ur twisted lil dillusional self righteous sociopathic world u might actually forget how miserable and meaningless ur own existence is for a few minutes!! It must suck to be you…
There is an epidemic of fanaticism and demigogery in this country and we are getting sick of it! Any time there are a few bad apples the demigogs (natzis) use it as an EXCUSE to punish EVERYONE ELSE!!! WE ARE SICK OF IT !!
I learned very quick not to pay for any thing unless I could see and touch
Yes dumb article!!!
I was just horrased by a lady because I put my puppies on CL. Free to good homes. I live in the country and some one didn’t want their pregnant dog so they dumped her on my road just a few weeks before she gave birth. I would of never thought with as skinny as she was that she was pregnant with 5 puppies. I’ve given 2 away and still have the mom and 3 pups. Put them on CL and got some of the worst hateful texts from one lady saying that she flagged my listing and that I was stupid to put it mildly. It was very demeaning and extremely hateful and threatening to me personally. CL pet police their just vicious.
Hi do you still have the pups ? I’m looking for a small breed I live in an apartment and only can have a small dog I’m disability so I am home all the time looking for a puppy or young dog to give all my love to ….
This msg is for Katie whose took in the pregnant mum, I commend you for this unselfish act. Whomever dumped the mum needs to be prosecuted. There are far too many bad dog owners. My comment on the article was I was happy to receive the meat of the article as I am currently searching for a pup. All the negatives that ALL who post are not reputable seems a bit too harsh, altho I admit the scammers are there, but why judge everyone by one? We that are looking for new members for our households only need to due our hardest and be diligent in NOT falling for what we seem to be a “good deal” and ask lots of questions. I live in Seattle, and I want terrific pit pup, for my 5yr old granddaughter and myself. I am a senior on a fixed income. If anyone can help my search is appreciate it to no end.
Not all craig sellers are this way Ive sold pups before on craiglist letgo amd offer up you have to be a real gd dog person to know dogs you have to do your research on the breeds and health issues look at the parebts 8fbthey dont have pics of the parents than dont buy if you cant see the parents in person do not buy because 9 out of 10 its a scam you cant sale your own puppiea with out haveing at least on of the parents
We also had a great experience adopting a pug from Craigslist. The owner was going through a divorce and trying to do the best for her dog. She had been unable to keep up with his medical care but provided information for us and requested pictures occasionally because she cared about him more than about herself. He is great, we send pictures sometimes and updates about him. She knows he is doing well and we feel like we’re helping her know she did the right thing. We did discuss things before adopting him. It is not obvious where to try to legitimately rehome your dog if you don’t use something like Craigslist or Facebook. It is unsettling in many ways to just take your beloved pet to a shelter oh, and people make you feel like a criminal if you do list them somewhere that you might get a chance to meet the potential owner. Maybe it should be a little more public knowledge where an owner in need of rehoming responsibly can do so.
We were looking on craigslist about dogs also. Because we were thinking of breeding our dear head Chihuahua who is a registered dog with a nether registered dog before we have him fixed just one time thing and had no clue where else to look so we were just looking for information on there but there is no information there on animals
Not all people want to take animals to the local shelter. Why is it ok for them to charge 350 for a dog….Good people need a responsible place to find good homes for animals that need to be rehomed. The resources are just not available and not all dogs or cats are breed intentionally. I think instead of writing this article to bash people thatcare trying to be responsible instead of dumping the pet in an open feild. You should spend your energy finding a positive solution and not bashing people. Flagging people on sites that arent doing anything wrong…you need to get a life🤯
Being in Craigslist or on Facebook isn’t the problem.
Know your breed. Check out the Sire, and Dam. Ask for Veterinarian records of the pups, and parents. You may, I would, ask to take the pup to your veterinarian before you pay for it.
You have to be serious about this. If the seller has excuses, won’t let you have it checked out at your veterinarian, then say “I’m sorry “.
Not all the sellers have went to craigslist because of this but alot have went because the Newspapers went so high on advertising.
I don’t believe in someone having mixed dogs and asking so much. When I was young is was all anyone could do but give the puppies away.
But times have changed.
But also the people that are selling sick puppies only get away with it because you don’t have them checked completely first.
I wouldn’t buy a AKC pup till it was proven healthy. I’d also check it’s parents for any known flaws in their background.
I can’t solve this problem by myself. All buyers need to be better educated on what they want.
The sellers that sell sick, and dieing puppies, need to have all the animals taken from them. No excuse for them.
I think people like you should look at the whole picture not just the center you just might become a little wiser and then you just might have something worth hearing or reading
First of all I’m seeing some of the post you highlighted on here saying 6 week old puppies looking for good home! WTF Don’t you know the law about sell, rehoming adopting out puppies and kittens HAVE TO BE 8 weeks of age witch is 56 days old in order to let them go! Shame on anyone who allows them to go any sooner! Know the laws b4 hand ppl! Now anyone who just GIVES any animal away for FREE is just stupid! Who knows where that animal is going to end up! Someone who is willing to pay say $100 for a healthy kitten is more likely to take damn good care of it. Same goes for a puppy it’s as simple as that! Never just give away for free! I use to breed Rag doll an Snow Shoe cats (it’s certain breeds of cats) I would never ever just give 1 away for free that’s just plain stupid. Along with asking for a fee u always get references get their bets number ppl they know even their boss landlord what ever. It’s up to u as the one looking for a home for an animal to make 110% sure that anima is going to the best home it can possibly be going to. Second why bash others. I’ve had good experience on Craigslist finding homes for kittens. Not everyone is an asshole out to screw someone. Stop being mean judging others. That’s what wrong with this world is ppl like u the one who wrote this article grow up u r an adult a very judgmental one at that! People just need to make sure to they their homework simple solution RIGHT!
I agree that the CL ads will definitely bring you down…it’s a shame. I responded to a post on CL regarding a 2 year old Bull Terrier. Just a two pictures of the dog in a crate and not much as far as details: basically something like “2 year old Bull Terrier Female. $250.” I asked for details and the reply I got was “What do you need to know?” I replied asking about weight, walking habits, housebroken, etc… I never heard back from the seller.
Fast forward three weeks. I found an ad for a dog that met most of the major criteria we laid out for a new dog (around 2 years old, Bull Terrier, female, deaf, housebroken, 40 lbs or smaller.) The ad had no pictures. After emailing the ad, I got a response with a list of questions (asking about breed experience, deaf dog experience, yard, kids etc…) I sent detailed responses and the seller told us that we were the first of several replies that actually answered the questions. We corresponded back-and-forth over a week or so and ended up making arrangements to meet the dog. It was a 500 mile drive on new year’s day, but everything was as described – so we brought her home!
As it is with most things, there are good and bad aspects to using CL to adopt. You just have to do your due diligence.
I’ve bought two dogs from Craigslist and never had a problem. But when they had puppies I advertised on Craigslist and got a bunch of tire kickers and spam calls.
I can tell you I do take dogs in off the street and try to find owners. Although usually dumped. If i dont have access on social media like Facebook to advertise for a good home then i dont usually get more than one home I can look into to insure my rescues go to the best homes. Instead I have to stand somewhere to advertise a dog and personally I think it is wrong. So without Facebook I have gad to stop helping strays find homes.
Yes i was just scammed on craigslist i paid a deposit for teacup yorkie went to Dallas Texas to pick her up and the people didn’t answer.i was very hurt i reported everything i know they have been doing this awhile and still are they are using diffrent numbers through text app and emails same pup pics i have info if needed
Both my dogs came from Craigslist and fb. Both dogs I picked up for free. Both are great loveable dogs. One I picked up from a trainer. She just wasn’t cut out to be trained as a service dog in time however she is perfectly happy to be a family dog. Our puppy is a typical sweet puppy who has a crush on our older dog.
I found my Molly on craigslist I had a dog for a number of years who had a heart attack and passed away after I left for work one day. I said I was never going to get another dog and I eventually had to reconsider because I couldn’t sleep. I said I didnt want a big dog because my previous dog was smaller. I found my beautiful Molly girl on craigslist. She was a Shepard Lab mix she had the most beautiful face and wonderful smile. The owners were offering her for free to a good home as Molly and their other dog got into a fight and the vet said to either separate them or give one away. The owners decided to give molly a new home as they had their other dog longer. I asked to keep Molly on a trial overnight visit and she never went home. Molly walked in my house, went outside and acted like she was home and owned the place. Even my cats loved her they never once fought and would lay with her. She had the best personality except if she thought you may be a threat to me then watch out. Molly was a car junkie, loved Dairy Queen vanilla ice cream, she also loved water melon. She died in June 2019 in my arms after being with me for over 8 years. When I got her the vet said she was already an older mixed dog and would not probulary last much longer. She proved them wrong she made it past 17. My Molly girl was an amazing dog and I was so lucky to have her in my life. She will forever be missed and I’m forever grateful her owners decided to place her on craigslist. I did not pay anything for her. I 100% agree most of the people on the site are scammers but I also have a “grandpup” my daughter found on craigslist and he is a character. Where molly loved my cats and slept with them on my bed. Her dog thinks it’s fun to run with them through the house. He can catch anything no matter where you throw it and it will never hit the ground. He is special to me as well and I’ve been blessed with them both. Not all people are scammers you just have to filter the good from the bad. Because if you dont you may miss out on your best friend and what a shame that would be for the both of you
Will on July 4th 2012 I became homeless and I find a room to rent and there I seen this lil the smallest tiny puppy and then I seen the person hurt him and yes best believe I took him so me and my BABYBOY lived together though the bad and good until one day someone took my BABYBOY and killed him it was on July 16th 2019 so now that he gone I am looking for other one to keep me alive so if someone read this can someone help me find other one PLEASE
😭 7-4-19**7-16-20😭
I moved from a pet responsible community to one in which abandoned and homeless pets are everywhere and invade our homes. I end up feeding and spay/neutering these kind furry kids, but then need to re-home them due to over-population and huge care expenses. Unfortunately, Craigslist and FB have become thoroughly inhospitable place to re-home – I have covid kittens needing re-home and my ads have been flagged 7x in 2 weeks – making it impossible to re-home. I went the shelter surrendering route and they were horrible, not only did I have to pay $30-$40 surrender fee per pet but they would euthanize without first contacting me. PET VIGILANTE’S on CL and FB make it impossible to rescue the multitude of pets roaming the streets in my town now – just in the last year has this started happening! YOU ARE ABUSING THESE RESCUES pet vigilantes by NOT allowing us to use CL/FB to re-home. STOP IT NOW – I have 15 rescues currently that I can no longer afford to feed nor spay/neuter and can no longer find homes for as I could before. There are plenty of people who want to adopt these kids, SO LET THEM AND LET US ADVERTISE W/O BEING HARASSED!
There’s animal cruelty anywhere you look nowadays but just think of all the puppies and kittens that were going to be rehomed or given as free on Craigslist that are now going to go to shelters because of people like you .when you have a litter of pups kittens you always ask for a small rehome fee to prevent animal cruelty . If there is no place and Craigslist in my opinion was the best way to rehome an animal . You ask question always before rehoming an animal . And there all always going to be those individuals that fight dogs or abuse animals but Craigslist did find animals good homes . I know I use to rehome litters of chiweenies on Craig’s list and I still get pics today puppies I have rehomed 3 years ago . And sounds to me focus should be more on the individuals that fights pitbulls and people that are abusive not take away one of the best platforms that actually do find animals good homes . Don’t allow pitbull sells or free . Frustrating that Craigslist would prevent people from rehome pups and animals that need immediate good homes . What a shame when litter of pups or kittens can’t be rehomed will wind up in shelters for sure . Shame on Craigslist for changing there policies once again .
Wow It makes me sad reading these posts on here from people.Makes me sad for the animals that these people will adopt or buy because they don’t sound responsible enough to take care of anything ! And that’s why so many animals are in shelters and abusive homes and streets.Fix your animals people because someone like this could adopt them !
There are legitimate breeders creating desired and interesting breeds and mixes. These are high-dollar pups and the breeders need a place to to put in a local ad. We’re not talking national ads and shipping pups or buying sight-unseen. They just need to advertise in their own state or counties for in-person sales.
Activist nazi types with their self-righteous views see there are bad apples out there (everybody knows there is abuse out there) so they think the entire thing needs torn down. Attacking perfectly legit and responsible breeders due to to the scammers. Lumping them all in together which is wrong.
Authorities can investigate possible criminal sellers but leave everybody else alone. You don’t empty shelters by stopping people from selling their pups. Flagging ads and blocking ads doesn’t magically make breeding stop or those puppies magically still end up with quality owners. More likely blocking all their ads leads to animal abuse or even killing.
It also prevents new breeders from being able to enter, because the “big” puppy mills are more “established” and get all the traffic, while the “new” people are treated suspiciously and blocked at every turn just by default.
Stop attacking honorable breeders due to the actions of criminals. Breeders need a way to create local ads for in-person sales. It’s got nothing to do with criminals and flippers and backyard mut mills.
If you looking to adopt a pet in your local, Sacramento Craigslist Pets is best place to find your new pet
At least it’s helping dogs find homes. Piss off, you just sound like a whiney Karen.