Webinar About Canine Allergies April 22


Itย’s amazing to me that even people who have fairly serious allergies themselves often fail to see the similarities between their own condition and their dogย’s allergies. Many people are quite experienced at avoiding the substances to which they are allergic ย– but donย’t realize that it would help their dog considerably if they would invest some time in trying to identify the substances to which their dog is allergic and limiting the dogย’s exposure to that allergen.

Iย’m not judging, believe me. I had an allergy-ridden dog for years before I ever suffered an allergic reaction myself; thatย’s my excuse for subjecting poor Rupert to dose after dose of steroids to quell his itching (and antibiotics for secondary skin infections caused by relentless scratching and chewing). This was long before I learned that it would be far easier ย– and healthier for Rupe! ย– to manage his environment in such a way as to prevent the allergic reaction that caused the itching in the first place.

Through my work at Whole Dog Journal, Iย’ve learned a lot about canine allergies and how to prevent and/or manage them. I know the most common allergens in dogs (flea bites, and environmental allergies such as pollen and dust mites), and the difference between a food allergy and food intolerance. And today, though the dog I currently share my home with has seasonal allergies, he has never had a hot spot, ear or skin infection, or steroid.

On April 22, at 7 pm EDT, Iย’ll be presenting a 60-minute webinar about canine allergies to interested Whole Dog Journal readers. Iย’ll be discussing:

* Five things any owner can do to help an allergic dog, no matter what the allergy.

* The three most common types of canine allergies, and why they get worse as the dog ages.

* How to distinguish a food allergy from a food intolerance.

* 12 ways to reduce your dogย’s exposure to fleas, dust, and environmental allergens.

* The importance of observing where on your dogย’s body he scratches, licks, or chews the most when heย’s suffering from allergies.

* The risks and benefits of corticosteroids.

After my presentation, Iย’ll answer questions online about your dogย’s allergies. Wonย’t you log onto your computer and join me during this free event?

Register now! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3942722610551744257


  1. Darn, I am so sorry I didnโ€™t see this sooner. Just went to the vet today and was diagnosed with seasonal allergies. My pup has a runny nose and patches of hair loss. Is this webinar streamed anywhere?