
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Fear & Confidence

Behavior-Modifying Drugs for Dogs: Medications for treating fear, phobias, and anxiety in dogs

Separation anxiety, aggression, fear of humans, fear of other dogs - though common, these pet behaviors indicate your dog may be suffering on a neuro-chemical level. How anxiety medications work in humans is still a considerable mystery, but we know that some also work on dogs. Can they help YOUR dog live a less stressed life?
An anxious mixed breed rescue dog on a blue leash looks guardedly at the camera.

Treats And Medications that Calm Your Dog

Calming dog treats and medications can calm down an anxious dog and help build their confidence to approach new situations without anxiety.

Marty Becker’s Fear-Free Dog Initiative

Marty Becker's Fear-Free Initiative embraces every dog's emotional well-being, as well as its physical wellness. Designed for pet professionals, the initiative promotes a holistic and force-free approach to handling animals.

Help for Dogs With a Healthy Phobia of Stairs

Occasionally I’ll get a call from a client who is having trouble getting their dog to go up or down stairs – a frustrating dilemma when you want your canine companion to be able to accompany you wherever you go. First, be sure your stairs are covered with a traction-providing surface, so he doesn’t slip and scare himself if he tries to use them. Next, here are some tips for overcoming this challenge.
shy dog

Help Your Shy Dog Gain Confidence

he needs more distance between himself and strangers.üCarefully engineer any opportunities for your dog to gain positive experiences with strangers; exploit his love of treats!"

Fear-Free Dog Training Methods

or threatening his general well-being if he made the wrong move. It wasn't fear of punishment – or fear of me – or some sort of amorphous "respect" that he had for me

Know When Your Dog is Scared

Recently, on the drive home from our annual vacation in Maine, our 11-year-old Brittany, Vinny, suddenly and inexplicably awoke from a sound sleep, and began to tremble, pant, pace, and obsessively lick at the sides of his travel crate. When I crawled back over the seat to find out what was wrong, I observed that Vinny's eyes were squinty

How to Help Your Noise-Phobic Dog Get Through Loud Events

July 4th is still a month away, but in many parts of the country sound-sensitive dogs and the humans who love them are already struggling with the effects of thunderstorms. Our Corgi, Lucy, is a thunder-phobe, and we know all too well the impact thunder and firecrackers have on her (and our) quality of life. Fortunately, the following can make life better for you and your dog during noisy events.

If Your Dog is Afraid of Thunder

but thousands of owners count on them to calm their thunder-phobic dogs."

Solving Your Dog’s Behavior Problem Crisis

One of the most irritating – and common – phone calls I receive in my capacity as a professional dog trainer is when dog owners urgently ask me to help solve their dog's behavior problem immediately – even though, as it often turns out, the problem has actually existed for years. Sometimes, it's even phrased as, If we can't get this fixed now
Dog looks out the window and watching the fireworks

Sound Masking to Help Dogs with a Noise Phobia or Sound Sensitivity

Noise canceling with noise machines, music or sounds from a speaker, or even just a circulating fan can help dogs with a noise phobia, or dogs that are scared of thunder relax.

Taking More Steps To a Calm Dog

Every behavior and training professional has seen her share of WCCS dogs. Some have developed their own programs to help humans help their dogs.

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.