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dog rolling in grass

Why Do Dogs Roll In The Grass?

Instinct is usually what causes dogs to roll in the grass and may have its roots in hunting prey, which is why dogs roll in other things, too.
Aggressive, disobedient dog problems concept.

On-Leash Aggression

It’s not uncommon for dogs to behave badly when they are leashed and see other dogs – and it doesn’t mean they are truly aggressive. Here’s what to do to achieve peace on leash.
adorable lying small pregnant dog protects stomach from young woman hand growling

Why Do Dogs Growl?

Here’s what you need to know if you’ve ever wondered why your dog growls when you pet her, pick her up, brush her – or why she ever growls!
terrier dog hiding under a bed.

Is Your Dog Afraid of Noises?

Some dogs are highly sensitive to certain sounds, such as emergency sirens, smoke detectors, and motorcycles roaring past your house. Here’s how to desensitize these dogs to loud, sharp, or otherwise unpleasant noises, and make them feel more comfortable and safe in their homes.
A dog scared of thunder is an unhappy dog.

When a Dog is Scared of Thunder

How to help a dog who is afraid of thunder and scared of storms.
Woman and dogs walking in hallway at home

Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere?

Does your dog constantly follow you around the house? Do you sometimes trip over him as you exit your bathroom, because he’s fallen asleep right outside the door? Not to worry; this is a very typical dog behavior.
How to Walk Your Dog eBook from Whole Dog Journal

My Dog Doesn’t Want to Walk

If your dog refuses to walk on leash with you, consider the problem from the dog’s perspective.
dog kicking up grass

Why Do Dogs Kick Grass?

Dogs sometimes kick or scratch the ground with their hind feet after they poop. We don’t know exactly why they do it, but they seem to enjoy it, so give them room to kick!
dogs digging

Can You (Not!) Dig It? What to Do if Your Dog Digs Where You...

To absolutely prevent unwanted digging, give your dog a dedicated digging spot and prevent his unsupervised access to the places where you don’t want holes.
puppy chewing

Using Enrichment to Meet Your Dog’s Needs: A Fun and Humane Tool For Solving...

Enrichment not only improves the quality of your dog's life, but is a fun and humane tool that can solve a dog's behavioral issues for your benefit.
A brindle puppy walks outdoors in winter in the snow. The dog is not large in size with an unusual color. Has no breed. Walked on a leash. Docked tail.

Happy Tail Syndrome

This common dog tail injury occurs when dogs wag their tails and repeatedly hit things with it.
Dog watching girl eating

How to Stop Your Dog From Begging for Your Food

To stop your dog’s begging, first make sure no one is reinforcing the behavior. Then you can teach her a new mealtime routine.

Latest Blog

How “Bird Flu” Could Threaten Your Dog

The “bird flu”, or avian influenza, has been around for a long time; it’s circulated in wild birds since the late 1990s. But like all viruses, it mutates over time—and influenza viruses are known to mutate very quickly. What’s more, some emerging strains are deadlier than others.