Recognizing Dog Stress While Adjusting to a New Home
The term “decompression” has become popular in dog training and behavior circles. A strict definition of the word references the process of releasing or...
Punishment vs. Interruption: Properly Managing Your Dog’s Behavior
"No! Get off the table!” “No! Give that here!” “No! Quit pestering her or I’ll spray you!”
All my life I’ve been around people who...
Meditations on Raising Small Children with Dogs
My young dog flies across the yard, tossing his ball in the air, chasing it as it hits the ground, then picks it up...
Dog House Rules
Once upon a time, societal norms dictated that if pet dogs failed to comply with strict rules for their behavior indoors, they were banished...
How to Safely Introduce Your Dog to Other Dogs
Given that our canine companions are a social species, you might think introducing two dogs would be a simple matter of turning them loose...
Ignore at Your Peril
Ignoring should work, right? One of the first bits of behavior science that we pick up as dog trainers is that behavior is driven...
What Fostering Can Do For Rescue Puppies
A pandemic has upended the globe, but here’s a little bright spot: puppy fostering is experiencing a golden era. Record numbers of people are offering...
What You Need to Know About Yellow Dogs and DINOS
I grew up around horses. In the horse world, if you tie a red ribbon in your horse’s tail, everyone knows that means your...
How To Help Your Dog Deal With Separation Anxiety
Have you been spending a lot more time with your dog, courtesy of coronavirus? As life slowly goes back to a “new normal” and...
Why Do Dogs Roll in Stinky Things?! And What Can You Do About It?
The walk starts innocently enough. Then you realize your dog, who has scampered ahead of you, has hit the ground and is writhing gleefully...
Dogs in the Workplace Company Profile: On-Site LaserMedic
On-Site LaserMedic is a dog-friendly laser printer repair company in Chatsworth, California. Roxanna Sanchez, the organization’s chief operating officer, has been bringing her dogs...
Dogs in the Workplace
As the saying goes, “Life is better when I’m with my dog.” I can cite a long list of ways that he makes my days...