Reforming a Reactive Dog
We’ve all seen them – those nightmare dogs who lunge, leap, growl, snarl, snap, bark, threaten, bare their teeth, act like bullies, and charge...
Frustrated On Leash?
You’ve probably seen them. Maybe you even have one – a dog who happily plays with his canine pals in the dog park, but...
Understanding Your Dog’s Nose
All dogs have noses – and they all know how to use them. Our awareness of our dog’s nose capabilities is nothing new. We...
Confidence Lost
When Woody (my three-year-old pit bull-mix) was a tiny puppy, just another one in a litter of nine that I was fostering for my...
Dog Kisses: Is Your Dog Really Kissing You?
You either love it or hate it: the wet, warm sensation of a dog licking your face. Many of us seek out this kind...
Welcome to the new Whole Dog Journal website!
We’re pleased to present to you Whole Dog Journal’s
brand-new website. On the site, you’ll find every article we’ve ever published,
going back to our first...
Highs and Lows
Nova’s placement is also a win for WDJ, since she’s a smart, well-behaved dog and her mom’s proximity and training acuity means they can model and demonstrate for articles in the magazine, often, I hope! Working with them has definitely been one of the highlights of putting this issue together.
What Causes Aggressive Dog Behavior?
When dogs display aggressive behaviors, it’s rare for humans to consider whatever the dog was trying to communicate. Instead, the behaviors are just considered unacceptable, threatening, and dangerous. Look at it from their point of view, though.
Does Your Female Dog Hump?
Usually humping is associated with male dogs, but humping is also very common amongst female dogs. Some girls will hump toys or other objects, some hump air, others hump other dogs or even people. To learn more about humping, why girls do it, and how to keep your female dog from humping, we talk with Certified Professional Dog Trainer and Chair of The Association of Professional Dog Trainers Nick Hof, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, KPA-CTP, CSAT, to answer some of your most commonly asked questions about female dogs and humping.
Comfort Your Dog
There is absolutely no evidence, not one bit, suggesting that providing comfort and security to a distressed dog causes the dogs anxiety or fear to increase. Why then, does this myth persist among dog owners and even with some trainers? Why are owners still advised to ignore their dog when he is distressed or anxious or fearful, as if providing any attention to the dog will reinforce those emotions?
Understanding Canine Compulsive Disorder
Also called compulsive behavior disorder, this is a mental health disorder characterized by the excessive performance of repetitive behaviors that don't serve any apparent purpose
Genetic Health Screening for Dogs
While most owners are familiar with genetic tests to determine the ancestry of mixed-breed dogs, many are not aware that a number of companies have expanded into testing for genetic health disorders. The companies typically advertise these tests as having the potential to both save money and heartache by giving owners an opportunity to prevent or detect diseases in their earliest stages, in order to add health-filled years to our beloved canine companions' lives. But is this rosy promise even possible?