Why Do Dogs Howl at Sirens?
There’s a lot we don’t fully understand about canine communication including exactly why dogs howl. While the behavior itself is normal, dogs howling can be a problem.
Recognizing Displacement Behavior in Dogs
Displacement behavior is when your dog does something normal, but at weird times that feel out of context due to your dog experiencing conflict or frustration.
How to Win the Body-Language Game
The key to dog body language is recognizing stress signals, and understanding what our own body language communicates to our dogs.
What is a Reactive Dog? Understanding Reactivity
A reactive dog means a dog who gets way too excited over something in her environment—and not just excited as in, “Oh hi, I’m so happy to see you!”
How to Keep a Dog from Jumping the Fence
A fenced yard can be great when you have a dog. That safety can disappear quickly if your dog finds a way to get out of the yard.
Are Dogs Ticklish?
Like humans, enjoyment of tickling sensations differs between dogs. Some love it. Others loathe it.
How to Ace Dog Adolescence
In all species, adolescents exhibit what’s an “instinct to learn” and an immature impulse control and ability to tolerate frustration..
Why is my Dog Aggressive with Other Dogs
Dog-aggressive dogs can be discriminating in their choice of targets. A dog who aggresses toward other dogs doesn’t necessarily try to fight with all other dogs.
How to Tell If a Dog Is Depressed
Depression in dogs typically involves a significant behavioral change. Often starting with a gradual loss of interest in once-loved games. It can also start with a bang with aggressive or destructive behaviors.
Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt?
If your dog is eating large amounts of dirt, she could be suffering from a vitamin or mineral deficiency that she is trying to remedy. Maybe. While there’s a lot of anecdotal support for this theory, research is fairly inconclusive.
What Is a Veterinary Behaviorist?
Behavioral problems can result from neurochemical imbalances, medical conditions, past life experiences, current living conditions, and every combination of these. Veterinary behaviorists are uniquely positioned to use tools from both medicine and behavior science to most accurately diagnose and efficiently treat dogs
How to Introduce a Cat to a Dog
There are millions of homes where cats and dogs live together in perfect harmony – mine included. How does that happen? Careful introductions of...