Why Does My Dog Only Eat When I’m There?
Do you feed your dog before you leave home for the day, but your dog doesn’t eat the food until you get home? That’s a sign he’s a little (or a lot) stressed at being left home alone.
Is Your Dog Crying and Whining?
Why your dog may be keeping you up at night by whining – and how to stop his crying.
Can Dogs Have Nightmares?
Studies have shown that dogs can dream, so they probably can have dog night terrors, too.
Why Do Dogs Sniff Butts?
Sniffing butts is dog body language. It’s the canine way of getting to know one another.
Are Dogs Self-Aware?
Are dogs sentient? Seems so. Research shows they appear to understand how their actions affect other dog's and humans.
Dog Ear Signals
Is there truly a dog ear language? Absolutely. You just need to know what dog ear positions mean and take in the rest of his body language, too.
Do Dogs Remember People?
Dog's remember people's faces, scent, voices and research suggests that they have associative memory that means they can remember the experiences they share with their human family.
Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other?
Dogs lick other dog’s ears and faces as a social behavior and to explore the world, although research also points to submission and stomach pain.
Scent Games for Dogs
Scent work is a natural way for dogs to enjoy a game and be enriched.
Why Do Dogs Show Their Teeth?
What it means when your dog bares his teeth – whether he’s growling or not – and what to do.
How to Introduce a Puppy to an Older Dog
New Dog? Meet Old Dog. Here are some tips for introducing a new dog or puppy to the dog who is already part of your family.
Do Dogs Have Good Memory?
Dr. Claudia Fugazza’s research shows that dogs have good memory. With dogs having episodic memory and using this memory to perform tasks they were trained for, and being able to draw upon these memories to perform task they were not trained for.