Filing an Appeal
Insurance companies are in the business to make money, and anything they can legally deny, they will. However, that doesn't mean they're always right. You can file a letter of appeal with your insurer, but you need more than a stern letter. You need proof that you're right. The evidence you need depends upon the disagreement and your contract.
Why is Blue-Green Algae Dangerous to Dogs?
Water is wonderful, but not if it's toxic. When conditions promote the growth or bloom" of toxic blue-green algae in lakes and ponds
Symptoms of Heat Stress
A dog exhibiting any of these symptoms needs immediate veterinary care as brain damage, kidney failure, seizures, and death can occur:
Short-Nosed Dogs
The brachycephalic breeds such as Pugs, Boston Terriers, Boxers, Bulldogs are particularly at risk of heat stress, says Eileen Fatcheric, DVM, of Syracuse, New York. The only way dogs have to thermoregulate their bodies is panting
How to Keep Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather
Dogs find summer's high temperatures challenging. That's largely because they don't sweat. Sure, you've read that dogs have sweat glands in their paws, but veterinarians agree that's not much help. A dog's primary means of cooling himself is through panting and our goal is to make this process more efficient.
What To Do If Your Dog Gets Motion Sickness
meant to help the vestibular apparatus develop properly. This is thought to help prevent vestibular disease and motion sickness later in the puppy's life."
Success Story
While the concept of energy-based healing might be tough for some people to accept, professional animal trainer and flower essence practitioner Jennifer White of Woodinville, Washington, has a large database of client success stories to draw upon. It includes a 3-year-old service dog who was on the verge of being retired due to extreme car sickness. The dog had exhibited symptoms of nausea drooling and panting since early puppyhood, and he never outgrew the problem.
Letters and Corrections: June 2015
In the May issue, we published an article, Outfoxing Foxtails
Lifting Your Dog
1.Place both hands briefly, gently, on either side of your dog's spine, and then feed him a treat.2.Gradually move your hand down and under your dog's ribcage on the far side, touching and feeding him a treat several times at each step.3.Gradually move your other hand around the front of your dog's chest to his opposite shoulder, touching and feeding him several times at each step.4.Put light pressure on your dog with both hands, gradually hugging him toward you, and then feed him a treat.5.Gradually increase pressure, feeding him treats several times at each step.6.Hug your dog against your chest, lifting upward slightly; release and treat.7.Gradually increase the amount of lift pressure until you are picking him up, giving him a treat several times at each step.
How to Put a Harness on a Dog(Jacket, Thundershirt, etc.)
Some behaviors don't lend themselves well to a total choice approach, but you may be able to use a Choice/Conditioning-hybrid procedure, still giving your...
Cleaning Dog Feet: Training Your Dog to Accept Cleaning
For all classical conditioning procedures, do multiple repetitions of each step, feeding your dog a high-value treat (I like to use bits of fresh roasted or canned chicken) after each repetition. Only move to the next step when your dog becomes clearly happy at the previous step; this lets you know he's made the association between the procedure and the high-value treat.
How to Train Your Dog to Accept Husbandry Chores
I put my hands on my dogs at least a few dozen times a day. It might be to attach or untangle a leash, look into ears, check teeth, brush or trim fur in various places, put on a Thundershirt, apply flea and tick preventative, or just to feel the soft silky warmth of dog under my hand. We humans are a tactile species, and with our handy opposable thumbs, we're always doing something to manipulate our canine companions and their body parts.