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Make a Difference

Never before have ordinary owners had the opportunity to make such a difference in the health of all dogs. I’m talking about the canine...

Time Flies – 10 Years of Whole Dog Journal

This issue represents the end of our tenth year of publication; I can barely believe it. Time has flown by. When Whole Dog Journal was...

Keep an Open Mind

I relished the chance to expose her as a fraud. Within minutes

Seeing Is Believing

Seventeen years ago, when I was editing a California horse magazine, I received a proposal for a column from a writer with an interest in holistic care for horses. Judging from the samples of her past published work that she included with her proposal, Diana Thompson was a very good writer with in-depth knowledge of horses and a wide variety of holistic treatments. As excited as I was about the prospect of working with this writer, I had to laugh at some of her proposed topics. I mean, come on! Massage and acupuncture is one thing, but Reiki? Homeopathy? Flower essences? Animal communicators? Sheesh!

In Dog Food We Trust

establish or enforce traceability of those ingredients

Summertime News

a summer treat: If you are seeking an enjoyable and intelligent dog-related book to help pass these long

Near and Dear

No revelations about commercial pet food in the past few weeks, thank goodness. Still, pet food industry executives are hard at work, making changes to their ingredient sourcing and quality control protocols. I’ve been interviewing some of these folks about the long-term fallout (positive and negative) of the pet food recalls, and will present excerpts from these interviews in next month’s issue.

Changes in The Pet Food Industry

Last month, I mentioned that I was going to attend Petfood Forum, an industry conference held annually in Chicago. As it turned out, it was the perfect place to be while news was breaking daily about expanding recalls. All the players were there: manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, testing labs, and pet food company executives. It was an ideal place to be a fly on the wall ¨C at least, until I gave the talk (¡°Scrutinizing Super-Premium Pet Foods¡±) that I was invited to present!

Wake-Up Call

her topic is "the reality of home feeding." Straus will describe how different people go about building their dogs' diets in different ways

Back to Normal

Mokie, the dog formerly known as mine, had a health crisis last month. Mokie now lives with my sister and her husband. Pam called me to say that, the night before, Mokie had gone out with her two Jack Russell Terriers for a pre-bedtime pee, and when they came in, Mokie made a beeline for his crate. Usually he sleeps in the bed with Pam and Dean and the two JRTs. Something was wrong.


Hurray! Another annual food review is complete (and I’ve got another pile of food to take down to my local animal shelter!). I’m especially...

Giving Back

while I do certainly miss having my own dog

Latest Blog

How “Bird Flu” Could Threaten Your Dog

The “bird flu”, or avian influenza, has been around for a long time; it’s circulated in wild birds since the late 1990s. But like all viruses, it mutates over time—and influenza viruses are known to mutate very quickly. What’s more, some emerging strains are deadlier than others.