
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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there have also been good cases of synchronicity

Whatever Works

We talk a lot about complementary health care practices here at WDJ: chiropractic, herbal remedies, acupuncture, and so on. But we don’t discriminate against...

Stick to Your Guns

to his delight.

Then she reached for a clipboard. She asked me to look over and initial the list of charges that I would incur for this treatment while she went to get some antibiotics and other supplies. I was stunned to see a figure of more than $500 and a long list of proposed treatments. I looked more carefully at the form – it was a computer printout

Addicted to Fetch

and hasten to drop it at the person's feet

Consider The Source

and we included a dairy-free biscuit.) But it's impossible to make (or recommend) a biscuit that NO dogs are allergic to! Many dogs are allergic to corn and wheat

YOUR Whole Dog Journal

A good example is this month's article about vaccination, written by San Francisco writer Roger Govier. Just about every holistic veterinarian will tell you that over-vaccination is responsible for any number of canine ills: the prevalence of autoimmune system failures, cancer, allergies, and even behavior problems. And nearly every conventional veterinarian will tell you that if he doesn't vaccinate your dog every year, you can just about kiss your dog goodbye, because he's sure to catch some awful disease without the shot. And there you are, with a dog you love, stuck in the middle.

Much Ado About Puppies

much too busy with IMPORTANT things to consider playing with other dogs – particularly rude dogs who try to touch him. Yuck.

When other dogs approach him

The Cancer Conundrum

the cost of the proposed treatments

What’s Best for Dogs?

Minnesota who searches for people who wander away from home. Luke was especially trained to search in big-city settings after a relative of his owner was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. "He gets so excited when he finds somebody

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Years ago I saw a cartoon in a veterinarian’s office. In the exaggerated illustration, an old cowboy held the fraying lead rope of a skeletal, wildly sway-backed old horse with a rough coat. Stars were plain to see in the sky, and a clock on the barn wall indicated that it was the middle of the night. A veterinarian dressed in pajamas covered with a long coat shook his head, and the old horse rolled its eyes as the cowboy explained, “I don’t know what’s happened, Doc. I came out to feed ‘em tonight and saw he had taken sick real sudden!”

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.