
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Canned Dog Food

2016 Canned Dog Food Review

but may also stock lower-quality

WDJ’s 2016 Approved Gold Star Canned Dog Foods

The following pet food companies not only offer wet dog foods that meet our ingredient selection criteria, but also provided Whole Dog Journal with independent, third-party laboratory nutritional analyses of their dog foods – analyses confirming that their canned dog foods are not just formulated to meet

Complete and Balanced Dog Food

Every aspect of an AAFCO feeding trial is meant to ensure that a food is capable of maintaining a population of a minimum number of dogs for a minimum period of time (26 weeks for a maintenance" claim; 23 weeks for a "growth" claim). At a minimum

2015 Approved Canned Dog Foods: Whole Dog Journal’s Annual Ratings

How many of you feed canned food to your dog every day? Or maybe I should ask, how many of you feed only canned food to your dog every day? While we'd like our annual canned dog food review to be of use to owners who feed any amount of canned food to their dogs, it should be most relevant to people who rely solely on canned products to provide complete and balanced nutrition" to their dogs

Behind Our Ratings: Whole Dog Journal’s 2015 Approved Canned Dog Foods

When we review dog foods, we generally ask the makers of those that meet our selection criteria some questions. This year, we asked this: Do you have a complete nutrient analysis for each of your products? And if so

2014 Canned Dog Food Review

How do you choose a canned food for your dog? It probably depends on why you want to feed him a wet food – and it may even depend on how big he is or how old he is. Are you trying to build or rebuild a dog's health or help a starved dog gain weight? Tempt the appetite of a sick, depressed, (or just fussy) dog? Prevent further health problems in a dog with diabetes or kidney disease? Does your dog weight two pounds, 20 pounds, or 120 pounds? Is she two months old, two years old, or 20 years old? The answers you give will undoubtedly affect your choice, because top-quality canned dog food is extremely expensive.

Whole Dog Journal’s 2013 Canned Dog Food Review

Price is the most commonly cited reason that people prefer to feed dry food to their dogs; canned food is far more expensive to feed than dry food. Owners of large dogs or multiple dogs rarely feed canned food as anything other than an occasional treat, for this reason alone.Of course, there are other objections, too.

The Benefits of Canned Dog Food: WDJ’s Canned Dog Foods 2013

Wet dog food, a.k.a. “canned” dog food, is not nearly as popular as dry food. The total sales figure for dry pet food in the U.S. last year (more than $12.7 billion) was more than 21/2 times that of wet pet food (almost $4.8 billion). I understand the reasons for this, but wish it wasn’t so. Canned food is actually a much healthier diet for dogs than kibble.

How to Select Top Quality Canned Dog Foods: You Have to Read the Labels!

If you're currently feeding your dog a canned dog food diet or are thinking about starting, great! As always, the best thing for you to do is read the label. Skip over the pretty pictures of steaks and vegetables on the front of the can and pay close attention to the ingredients listed on the back.

Focus your attention to these two places on the label: the ingredients panel, and the guaranteed analysis. These sections are required by law, and reveal the most about the can.

While the price of the food should never be considered the sole indicator of its quality, many times a higher price does in fact mean higher quality ingredients have been used.

Whole Dog Journal’s 2012 Canned Dog Food Review

Recently, a neighbor asked me for advice about her dog, who was vomiting and subdued. As part of our discussion about the dog's upset stomach, I asked what kind of dog food she fed to the dog. She responded that she fed him high-quality wet food, not the cheap stuff."

While the price of a pet product shouldn't ever be considered the sole indicator of a top quality dog food

An Inside Look at How Canned Dog Food is Made

I've always wondered how wet dog food gets made – but it took a long time to find out. It seems like it's more difficult for a journalist to get into a pet food cannery than into a factory that builds spy planes. So when Whole Dog Journal is asked to take a tour of a dog food manufacturing plant we jump at the opportunity. This article details how canned dog food is made at one plant. From the initial ingredient preparations, to the canning and cooking process and the QC and testing procedures along the way, this article captures it all. Included in this web-only feature are detailed photos taken by Whole Dog Journal during the plant tour. Be sure to click on each image to enlarge it.

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