
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Skin Allergies

What is Mange in Dogs?

There may be no other canine malady that seems to inspire as much misinformation as canine mange." Internet searches often return pages that blame it on lice (wrong) as often as mites (right). Ask an older person about it and he may tell you to use a dangerous and ineffective treatment such as dousing the poor dog in used motor oil (a great way to sicken or even kill the dog). But the condition isn't a mystery

Lick Granulomas

A lick granuloma is a red, raw, and ugly looking wound, caused by a dog's incessant licking. The last thing one would think is that it can be a blessing in disguise, but it seems to have been just that for Biggie, a 10-year-old Weimaraner owned by Maryland breeders Bob and Virginia (Gini) Selner. Biggie (AKA Wyngate's Music Man") is one of five dogs who live with the Selners
remedies for itchy skin in dogs

Home Remedies For Your Dog’s Skin Inflammation

long soak with a towel infused with an herbal skin rinse.üA juniper decoction is easy to make and very effective for treating a dog whose skin problem is severe

Will Your Allergic Dog Benefit From a Food Elimination Diet?

When your dog itches, you know it. That relentless licking, scratching, chewing – anything he can do to relieve the itch. He seems obsessed, and he probably is. Whatever you do, don't ignore this problem (as if you could!). Incessant scratching and chewing may indicate food allergy. He'll constantly tear into any place on his body that he can reach with his teeth or claws. You may see ugly hair loss. Until you find the cause, this problem will go from bad to worse.

Dog Food Elimination Trials Are Worth The Effort

Allergies can literally cause a dog to tear his hair out, setting acute moist dermatitis (hot spots") into motion and triggering fits of paw-licking and head-shaking (caused by allergy-induced ear inflammation and infection). When this happens

Canine Allergies and Your Dog’s Health

or anything else.üBonnie's sores healed when her owner noticed her eating fresh cleavers, and started giving the dog supplemental forms of the herb.

Canine Allergies: Most Common Causes, Best Tests, and Effective Treatments

Maybe this has happened to you: You’re reading or watching TV or at your computer, and your dog is lying on the carpet near you. You’re absorbed in what you are doing, but all of a sudden, you realize that your dog is licking or chewing himself, or scratching his ear with a hind paw. “Hey!” you say to your dog. “Stop that!” Your dog stops, looks at you, and wags his tail. You go back to doing what you were doing – and a few minutes later, you hear the tell-tale sounds of licking or chewing or scratching again. Every dog does a certain amount of self-grooming to keep himself clean – and every dog owner should be aware of how much is normal, and how much is too much, because “too much” is often the first indication that a dog is having an allergy attack.

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.