
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts


A man offers a Boston terrier a tasty treat while the dog avoids looking at the food.

Dog Sniffing Food But Not Eating

If your dog normally has a good appetite, but suddenly stops eating his food, you should be concerned. However, if your dog is always a picky, slow eater, and he goes on strike for a meal or two, there is usually nothing urgent to be worried about.
Boy sneaking dog food from the table

My Dog Is Acting Normal but Not Eating

If your dog won’t eat, you have a small window of time to evaluate the situation, The better you know your dog, the easier it is to decide if it is something serious or just a phase.

Bad Breath in Dogs

Bad breath, whether sudden or chronic, can be a sign of illness in dogs.
Woman picking dog poo in plastic bag

Getting a Dog Fecal Sample for Internal Parasite Testing

A dog fecal sample for internal parasite testing is critical to determining effective treatment for your dog. Stool samples can also provide other vital information about your dog's health.
Hungry and impudent basenji dog trying to steal pizza dough on a kitchen bar while being home alone

Symptoms of Pancreatitis in Dogs and Treatment

While there are hundreds of reasons for not eating in dogs, if your dog is not eating, pancreatitis is a possibility, especially if your dog has symptoms of pancreatitis like not eating, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever.
Hungry dog food with a red empty bowl. High angle view.

What to Give a Dog for an Upset Stomach

The simplest, safest remedy for vomiting is one of the hardest: A 24-hour fast. (Note: This does not apply if your dog is a puppy or diabetic.) Not feeding your dog when he looks at you with those big, beautiful eyes is hard to resist.
Toad Swell on The Lawn After Meeting Siberian Husky

My Dog Ate a Frog (or Was It a Toad?)

If your dog swallows a toad or frog immediately flush the dogs mouth with running water to reduce poison ingestion and contact your vet or poison control.
A older woman pulls a turkey out of the oven while a small dog looks on in anticipation.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

You can share your Thanksgiving turkey with your dog. However, be aware of any additional ingredients you've use in cooking the turkey to avoid causing stomach upset or worse in your dog.
A cute dog chewing on a hard deer antler that can damage its teeth.

Are Antlers Safe for Dogs?

The biggest risk for dogs from chewing on antlers is broken teeth. Antlers can also splinter and damage a dogs digestive track, or block it.
A dog sticks its head into a paper shopping bag looking for items.

Xylitol Poisoning

Xylitol poisoning can cause hypoglycemia in 10 to 15 minutes. If you think your dog has ingested xylitol contact ASPCA poison control at (888) 426-4435 immediately.
Golden retriever peeing in winter time

Why is my dog peeing blood?

There are several conditions that can cause blood in your dog’s urine. Let’s look at the different causes and how each one is diagnosed and treated.

Canine Constipation

Constipation seems like it should be a straightforward medical problem, but this is far from the case! Constipation occurs when there is difficulty or...

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.