
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Weight and Fitness eBook

Diabetes in Dogs

Learn the symptoms of diabetes mellitus (including increased water consumption, urinary incontinence, and UTIs) so you can quickly seek a diagnosis and treatment if you see them in your dog.
Poodle Vaccination Shot

Dog Vaccine Requirements

Determining what vaccines are necessary for dogs depends somewhat on his lifestyle. A stay-at-home dog doesn’t need as much protection as a dog encountering many other dogs.
Grandmother With Granddaughter Sitting With Dog

What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?

Owners sometimes want to give their dogs some almond milk, coconut water, orange or cranberry juice, or broth. Which liquids are safe for dogs?
Dog getting an eye exam

How to Tell if Your Dog Is Going Blind

Signs of blindness in dogs start with slight behavior changes.
nativity, puppy

Signs a Dog Is Going into Labor Soon

Your dog’s body temperature is an early indication she is going into labor.
dog with demodectic mange

Dog Staph Infection Treatment

If your dog has a recurring skin infection, a home remedy may not be enough.
Chinese rural dog hiding under shelf

Critical Signs of Stress in a Dog

Learn the signs of dog anxiety so you can avoid having your dog shut down.
cocker spaniel summer outdoor bath

How to Get Skunk Smell Off a Dog

What to do when your dog gets sprayed by a skunk.
dog mischief disobey concept. jack russell terrier destroyed a fluffy pet bed.

Melatonin Is Safe for Dogs

Melatonin dosage charts are on supplement packs made for dogs, but we caution you to check with your veterinarian before using melatonin.
docked boxer tail

To Dock or Not? All About Docked Tails

Many dog breeds have their tails docked when they are puppies. We discuss why and how this is done and detail the potential adverse side effects of the procedure.
Beagle dog drinking

How Much Water Should Your Dog Drink?

Healthy dogs need to drink about an ounce per pound of their body weight daily – but many factors can affect their consumption.
broken dog nail

Broken or Split Dog Nails

A broken or split nail is painful for your dog, but not all of them require a trip to your veterinarian. You may be able to treat it yourself; here’s how.

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.