
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Dog Spay and Neuter Tattoos

Why does my dog have a tattoo on their tummy? Animal shelters and spay/neuter clinics routinely tattoo dogs with green or blue ink after spaying or neutering.

Does Spaying or Neutering Change Dog Behavior?

Why “fixing” your dog may not fix the behaviors that you find problematic.

Plants Poisonous to Dogs

We love our trees, shrubs, flowers, and houseplants for good reason. They reduce our stress levels, improve our health, increase our connections to nature,...
Female Dog Nursing Cute Puppies. Newborns Of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Sucking Breast Milk.

Prenatal Vitamins for Dogs

The best prenatal vitamins for dogs are found in foods marked for “all life stages.” The one exception is B9, a vitamin for pregnant dogs you might want to discuss with your veterinarian.
A dog sniffs a package that is wrapped in holiday-themed paper; the package is shaped like a box of chocolates

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate

Eating chocolate can threaten your dog’s life – or just pose a threat of vomit. How to know whether your dog’s chocolate consumption is an emergency, and what to do if it is.

All About Mites on Dogs

Let’s look at what mites on dogs look like and how to get rid of them.

What is Parvovirus in Dogs?

Canine parvovirus type 2 (also known as CPV, CPV2, or just “parvo”) has been sickening and killing dogs and puppies since 1976, the year...
pale dog gums

Healthy Dog Gums vs Unhealthy Dog Gums: The Colors to Watch Out For

Did you know that the color and condition of your dog’s gums can give you important clues about her health? Paying attention to these...
puppy on leash walking on sidewalk

Balancing dual threats: Protecting puppies against viral disease and behavioral problems

Puppies who are born to mothers who have been vaccinated against parvovirus and who have had an ample opportunity to nurse in the first...

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

What is a reverse sneeze and what causes it?

Can Dogs Get Concussions?

If dogs can get concussions, how do they happen and what can be done? Let’s explore.

How long are dogs in heat?

Discover symptoms of a heat cycle and how long, often and what to expect from a dog in heat.

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.