
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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All About UTIs in Dogs

Urinary tract infections in dogs are very common, especially in females. Early treatment will prevent serious illness, so learn to recognize the dog UTI symptoms and which dogs are at greatest risk.
overweight dog with arthritis

How to Find Relief for Arthritis in Dogs

Just like the humans they live with, dogs often develop arthritis as they age. The most common form is osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint...
toothbrushes for dogs

Unhealthy Gums? It Could Be Canine Gum Disease

We often pay attention to our dog’s teeth, but the gums supporting those teeth are just as important. Unfortunately, they’re frequently ignored. As a...
trazodone for dogs

Evolving Use of Trazodone for Dogs

Trazodone is an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication that is also used for short-term sedation. It’s not classified as an analgesic (pain-relieving medication), so why are...
dog with thin coat

Do Dogs Need Sunscreen?

On sunny days, we rub sunscreen on ourselves and our kids, but what about our dogs? Should we protect them, too? Yes! – some...
close up of tick on dog

What do Ticks Look Like on Dogs?

Knowing how to identify tick bites, and properly treat them is an important part of caring for your dog and preventing tick transmitted diseases and other health issues.
overweight lab dog

How To Help Your Dog Lose Weight

You would think by now I’d have learned my lesson and stopped telling people that their dogs are overweight. After all, I nearly lost...
probiotics for dogs

Improve Your Dog’s Microbiome with Probiotics for Dogs

Probiotics (“friendly” or beneficial microorganisms) are everywhere these days – in all kinds of foods and supplements designed for humans and dogs. People used...
close up of dog with eye discharge

Dog Eye Discharge

A weeping, oozing, gummy, or crusty discharge from one or both of your dog’s eyes might be nothing – a result of the eye’s natural...
dog suffering from chronic pain

Amantadine For Dogs: Now For Relief of Chronic Pain

Amantadine is a medication that was initially used as an antiviral agent in humans, but it is gaining popularity for its contribution to chronic...

What Can I Give My Dog for Diarrhea?

Diarrhea may be a messy topic, but it’s an unfortunate part of life for humans and dogs alike. Thankfully there are some simple steps...
dog vomit

Pepto Bismol for Dogs: Can Dogs Have It & How to Use It Safely

Vomiting and/or diarrhea can be distressing for a dog and definitely no picnic for his owner. It’s only natural to want to offer some...

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.