
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Standard Poodle Outdoor

Signs of Canine Sebaceous Adenitis

This disease can cause your dog’s hair to become brittle and fall out, leading to bald spots.
belgian shepherd dog

New Treatment for Pain Relief from Canine Osteoarthritis

Librela, soon to be released in the U.S., has been used for canine osteoarthritis in Europe for two years with great results.
Dog squatting on the sidewalk.

Dietary Fiber for Dogs

What does fiber do for dogs, what are good sources of fiber for dogs, and should you give your dog a fiber supplement?
Welsh Corgi dog herding sheep, Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, England, UK

Health Issues for Dogs with Short Legs

Chondrodystrophy and IVDD are common concerns.

How Much Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog?

When and where you have your dog spayed or neutered will affect the price and the complexity of the surgery.
Brown labrador retriever lying on couch

What Is Lethargy in Dogs?

A lethargic dog is out of energy and lacks enthusiasm for his usual favorite things.

Cataracts in Dogs

Cataracts develop in dogs in stages. Learn what cataracts look like in dogs, what the symptoms are, how (or whether) they are treated.
lovely lonely dog waiting for its ower

What is Ataxia in Dogs?

Ataxia is a loss of balance and coordination. Your dog may stumble, seem unable to walk or know where his feet are, and may fall.
bull terrier sniffs Christmas candle

Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

Irritation in your dog’s airways can cause her to cough, which may be due to a temporary illness or a more chronic issue.
Golden retriever eating from another dog's bowl

Skip Free Feeding Dogs

Feeding your adult dog two measured meals a day is usually best; free feeding food is probably the worst choice.
Cute Pomeranian dog eating dog food from a bowl at home

Insulin for Dogs

The cost of insulin for dogs ranges from about $40 to $150 per month, depending on the size of the dog.
Veterinarian examining dog's ear at vet's office.

Why Is My Dog Walking Sideways All of a Sudden?

A dog who starts to walk crooked may have neurological problems, pain, a tumor, or an injury.

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.