
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Dog Gear

Dog Accessories 2019: Best Dog Gear of the Year

The whole world is aware that we love to buy stuff for our pets; more than $70 billion was spent by U.S. owners on their pets last year. But we have to say that a lot of that spending was a waste! There are tons of cutesy, low-quality products out there that fail to deliver any real benefit to either dogs or their handlers. That's where we can help, with five pages of top-quality stuff that you and your dog will truly enjoy.

2017 Best Dog Cone Alternatives

The term “recovery collar” is becoming the standard term to refer to what has been called an Elizabethan collar, a pet cone, or more humorously, a lampshade, a pet radar dish, and, of course, the misnomer “cone of shame.” There is no shame in needing help! The term Elizabethan collar is still heard frequently, but because it tends to be shortened to e-collar and because that’s also a shortened version of electronic collar, the phrase is falling out of use for this application.
A large white dog in harness marked deaf dog pants.

Do They Make Hearing Aids for Dogs?

Hearing aids for dogs are very expensive. custom fit, and require frequent visits to check both fit and settings. Dog vibration collars provide a more affordable and effective way for owners to communicate with their dogs.
dog with balls

Herding Balls for Dogs

These balls are for dogs that prefer to push and chase balls than to play fetch and for dogs with herding instincts but no livestock in sight.

5 Essential Dog Training Supplies

You don't need to spend a lot of money on dog training supplies to be prepared to train your dog effectively. For most dogs, a well-fitted harness, comfortable flat-buckle collar, sturdy leash, and some tasty treats are all you will need to teach your dog to love training time! When dogs love their training, they learn behaviors quickly, and the best training never over-complicates things. Save your cash and time on fancy high-tech dog training gear and stick with Whole Dog Journal's 5 positive dog training gear essentials!

Product Review: Hiking Gear for Dogs

Summer is in full swing, and dog owners all over the country are hiking and camping with their canine companions. WDJ decided to take a look at several of the products on the market that are designed to make hiking with our dogs more fun and easier for dog and/or human: a canine backpack, two pairs of doggie hiking boots, and two portable food and water bowls.

Best Dog Gear of the Year Part II

In the January issue, we shared our contributors' favorite dog toys, training tools, and treats, but we didn't have enough room to include all of their recommendations for the things they can't imagine living without" in their dog-care kits. Here are more favorite products – things that improve the health and well being of our dogs

Dog Product Reviews – Best and Worst!

Each year as the holidays approach, we review the long list of products we’ve evaluated during the year in order to highlight the best and the brightest for you. You might find some that would make perfect gifts for your hard-to-shop-for dog friends, a few to add to your own list for Santa, and several that you can stuff into your favorite canine companions’ stockings. Just remember that the best gift you can give your dog, after all the shopping and wrapping is done, is a lifelong loving home.
bow wow toy

Review of the Bow Wow Buddy

The Bow Wow Buddy is a safety chew/bully stick holder that prevents your dog from swallowing or choking on the end of a bully stick. It’s not perfect – we would like to use it with more slender sticks – but it definitely helps increase bully stick safety.

Whole Dog Journal’s Gear of the Year for 2024

The Whole Dog Journal staff and contributors provide their top picks for the best dog gear to take care of your canine companion this year.

Foam Filled Dog Beds

Not all foam beds can be thrown in a washing machine (we love the ones that can). But at least they can be taken outside and hosed off, which is a good thing to do occasionally, since immersion is an amazing anti-flea technique (see the article "Integrated Pest Management for Flea Control"). It’s a little difficult to wring them out – letting them drain by propping them up on one edge helps – but they air-dry surprisingly quickly. In contrast, many beds that are stuffed with cedar chips, fiberfill, or a combination of the two are almost impossible to wash.

Hand-Held Heating Pads

Warmth relaxes humans and dogs alike, for physical and emotional reasons. Heat on the skin causes an increase in circulation. Blood flows to the area and tense muscles under the skin begin to relax. A warm touch might also recall the lazy enjoyment of a nap in the sun, or the comfort of a companion on a cold winter night. Reusable heating pads are a wonderful way to bring the benefits of gentle heat to a dog. The pads I use are portable, liquid-filled plastic envelopes that, with just a push of my thumb, radiate soothing warmth for a few minutes or a few hours.

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