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Puppy in play pen

The First Week with a New Puppy

It's one of the best feelings in the whole world -- those first few hours with your new puppy when everything is perfect and anything is possible. It doesn't take long, however, for that bubble to burst. It could be the very first day, when you step in that pile of puppy poo on your Persian carpet, or find deep puppy tooth gouges in your treasured pair of Jimmy Choo shoes.
puppy crying

How to Help Your Crying Puppy

Gone are the days when standard advice was to ignore a crying puppy. “Ignore him,” we said, “until he stops crying. If you go...
A small brown puppy sleeping through the night in his bed.

How to Get a Puppy to Sleep Through the Night

Puppies sleep schedules are irregular. Exercise, dimming lights, and companionship are great ways to get a puppy to sleep through the night.
Fat puppy

Single Puppy Syndrome

Singleton puppies miss out on opportunities to learn basic canine communication and behavioral coping skills from their littermates, sometimes setting them up for frustration and sensitivity to handling later in life.
new puppy tips

New Puppy Tips and Questions Answered

For the past few weeks, as I have been working on this issue, I have also been promoting my latest batch of foster puppies...

Puppies Who Demonstrate “Alpha” Behavior

Teddy’s owners were distraught as they explained to me on the phone why they had called. Their veterinarian had told them that their nine-week-old Golden Retriever puppy was “dominant aggressive” because he was biting their hands. He had advised them to alpha-roll the pup every time he tried to bite or otherwise challenge their authority.

Housetraining Puppies

A primary concern of all responsible puppy owners is housetraining. Nothing gets old as quickly as cleaning up piles of puppy poop and puddles of puppy pee. An effective management and training program that prevents accidents is key to successful housetraining (see “Getting Off to the Best Start”), but even the most dedicated puppy owner is likely to slip up and allow at least one mistake. Of course, when that happens, we clean and scrub and remove all traces of urine and feces. We work on two levels: we want the carpet to look good again, and we want the smell of the dog’s mistake to disappear.

The 10 Most Important Things to Teach A Puppy

I don't care what breed or mix of breeds you're talking about, puppies are inarguably, impossibly and adorably cute. You have to be pretty...

Adopt or Shop

Wanna see a fight? Start a debate on social media about what’s best: adopting a dog or puppy from a shelter or rescue group...

Shock Collars and Puppies

Naturally, we regard shock collars as absolutely unnecessary and inappropriate in any training program, but particularly so in training puppies and young dogs. Given the potential for an exceptionally strong fear response during the early fear period – as well as during the secondary fear period – it pains us greatly to see trainers who market their shock collar training even for very young puppies. Of course they mask the aversive nature of shock collars by calling them “electronic” or “e” collars and “electronic fences.”
Newborn puppy

When Do Newborn Puppies Open Their Eyes?

Most puppies open their eyes at 10 to 14 days old, but that doesn’t mean they’re seeing well yet.
Naughty young spaniel puppy testing its teeth on chewing garden chair as it relaxes under it in the shade out of the sun with its companion

When Do Puppies Stop Teething?

Tips for keeping your home, possessions, and self from being chewed to bits by your teething puppy.

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.