
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts



Resource Guarding eBook from Whole Dog Journal

“He Bit Without Warning!”

During resource-guarding, dogs exhibit components of ritualized aggression. That is, they have a fairly explicit hierarchy of warnings – accelerated eating, cessation of eating...
Reading Your Dog’s Body Language eBook from Whole Dog Journal

The Eyes Have It

There’s sometimes an occasional moment during shelter dog behavior assessments when the dog being assessed makes deliberate, direct, soft eye contact with the person...
Reading Your Dog’s Body Language eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Oblivious to Stress?

Dogs tell us when they feel stressed. The more aware you are of your dog’s stress-related body language, the better you can help him...
Positive Training Basics eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Out With the Old, In With the New

Old-fashioned training methods can work. Decades of well-behaved dogs and the owners who loved them can attest to that. So why should they bother...
Positive Perspectives 2: Know Your Dog, Train Your Dog Book from Whole Dog Journal

Meals Versus Free Feeding

Excerpt from Positive Perspectives 2 by Pat Miller I cringe internally when a client tells me she free-feeds her dog¬—that is, keeps the bowl on...
Positive Perspectives 2: Know Your Dog, Train Your Dog Book from Whole Dog Journal

Without Provocation

Excerpt from Positive Perspectives 2 by Pat Miller Almost every “Dog Mauls Toddler” headline is followed by an article that includes, among other things, these...
Play with Your Dog Book from Whole Dog Journal

How To Build Strong Bonds

Excerpt from Play With Your Dog by Pat Miller Everyone in the family, including children, should play with their dogs. Even young children can be...
Play with Your Dog Book from Whole Dog Journal

Canine Play Styles

Excerpt from Play With Your Dog by Pat Miller Your best option for finding compatible playmates for your dog is to identify your dog’s play...
Play with Your Dog Book from Whole Dog Journal

Tug Games

Excerpt from Play With your Dog by Pat Miller The game of Tug has an undeserved bad rap in some training circles, while others, most...
Pain Relief for Canine Arthritis eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Complementary Therapies To Help Your Dog’s Arthritis

There are many wonderful complementary treatments for dogs with OA. None will cure or heal the arthritic joint, but a combination of treatments can...
Mine! A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs Book from Whole Dog Journal

Location Guarding

Excerpt from Mine! A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs by Jean Donaldson Dogs may guard food and/or food bowl, coveted toys or objects,...
Managing A Multi-Dog Household eBook from Whole Dog Journal

The Challenge of Defusing Intra-Pack Aggression

Excerpt from Managing A Multi-Dog Household by Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, CDBC Aggression Modification My first choice with most clients is this: changing the dogs’ opinion...

Latest Blog

How “Bird Flu” Could Threaten Your Dog

The “bird flu”, or avian influenza, has been around for a long time; it’s circulated in wild birds since the late 1990s. But like all viruses, it mutates over time—and influenza viruses are known to mutate very quickly. What’s more, some emerging strains are deadlier than others.