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Athletic Dogs and Acupressure Techniques

When spring is in the air, every dog knows it. Spring is the season when dogs want to run, play, and stretch their bodies, when their eyes brighten, and their natural zest for life flows through their veins. Spring is a time of action. There are so many canine performance sports today that require peak levels of running, twisting, turning, jumping, and pivoting. Anyone watching a canine agility trial or flyball competition can see the adrenaline pumping through every ounce of the dog's being. Adrenaline can override the senses and the animal can unknowingly hurt himself badly, especially early in the season. The risk of injury is very high when a dog is not properly conditioned. Also, dogs need to be given the opportunity to warm up before engaging in the burst of excitement and energy they experience at the moment they are released for coursing, a herding test, or on a sledding trail.
A dog lying on a mat of grass indoors.

Indoor Dog Potty

There are legitimate reasons why some dog lovers need their dogs to potty indoors. We looked at “dog indoor potty” products to help you determine which you might want to choose from if you are in the “indoor bathroom” club.

The Stubborn Dog

Are dogs stubborn? Here's what you need to know about training a 'stubborn dog'.

How to Teach A Dog to “Leave It”

There are many times in your dog's life when she needs to be able to control her impulse to engage in a behavior. Last month, we discussed Wait" and "Stay" – but impulse control goes far beyond these "don't move" cues. "Leave it" is another impulse-control behavior that is very useful for your dog to know. The cue means
petting dog on head

The Problem With, “May I Pet Your Dog?”

It used to be that if folks wanted to pet your dog, they just reached out and did it. Happily, in today’s more well-informed...
anxiety in dogs

Extreme Anxiety in Dogs

Most of us have had moments of anxiety in our lives, and while it’s not fun, most of us survive those moments and get...
A white dog on a leash looks intently at its owner for hand commands.

Dog Training Basics: How to Teach a Cue

While our dogs are born with all sorts of natural canine inclinations – like searching out food, investigating scents, romping with friends – “listen to words from humans” is not part of their default program. With the right kind of teaching, responding to your cues will become a dog’s go-to choice because it is the most reliable route to the things he wants.
training your dog to leave it

Teach Your Dog to “Leave It” and “Drop it”

Training your dog to “leave it” and “drop it”.

Five Things to do When Your Dog Grabs the Leash and Doesn’t Want to...

The game of leash-tug is encouraged by some agility competitors, as a reinforcer for their dogs at the end of an agility run. However, many dog owners (myself included), find it an annoying and sometimes even dangerous behavior. Here are five things you can do if you're in the latter group and would like to get your dog to stop playing leash tug:

How to Teach a Dog “Place”

“Place training,” or teaching your dog to go to a certain spot on cue, or at a certain time, is easy and invaluable.

Young Dogs Learn From Older Well-Behaved Dogs

which includes social facilitation, mimicking, and trial-and-error learning.üFollowing the dog who responds properly to the Come!" cue helps the newcomer learn it

How to Teach Your Dog to Play “Nose Games”

If competition isn’t your thing, you can do a simpler activity at home with your dog that we call Nose Games. You can do...

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Parallels between Force-Free Training and Gentle Parenting

Both gentle parenting and force-free training emphasize empathy for the living being you're responsible for, and patience with their behavior as their core tenet.