As dog parents, we want our pups to live happy and healthy lives. It’s common to wonder if dogs can eat some of our favorite healthy snacks, such as pineapple. But some foods may have health benefits for humans but are toxic for dogs, such as grapes and dark chocolate.
Pineapples are not on the banned list of dog foods, says Shadi Ireifej, DVM DACVS.
“Fed in moderation, your dog can ingest pineapple,” says Dr. Ireifej, the founder and chief medical officer at VetTriage.
Dr. Ireifej shares everything you need to know about letting your dog have a little pineapple.
Are pineapples good for dogs?
Dr. Ireifej says pineapples are low on calories but high in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which may have some health benefits for dogs. These include potassium, calcium, zinc and folate.
“Pineapples have manganese, [which supports] growth and metabolism,” says Dr. Ireifej.
They may also aid in gastrointestinal and immune system health in part because of the vitamin C they contain.
Pineapples are also delicious — they’re full of natural sugars. Ireifej suggests opting for fresh or frozen pineapple.
“Avoid canned due to added sugar content or rinse it to remove the added sugar,” he suggests.

What are the cons of giving your dog pineapple?
A little pineapple is fine, but Ireifej doesn’t recommend making it part of your pup’s everyday diet. Though the sugars in pineapple are natural, there’s a such thing as too much of a good thing. Ireifej warns feeding a dog too much sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes and dental disease.
“A few chunks that are peeled and sliced into bite-sized pieces are preferred,” Dr. Ireifej suggests.
What side effects should I look out for if my dog eats pineapple?
Sometimes, food just doesn’t agree with your dog. If you notice any of these side effects after giving your dog pineapple, call your vet. You may also try some of these at-home remedies with their approval.
- Gastroenteritis: If your pup has a stomachache, Dr. Ireifej says you may try giving them broiled chicken and rice for five to 10 days. Increase walks to aid in digestion. Ireifej recommends four to six times per day if you can swing it. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, a noisy gut, gas and general discomfort. Dr. Ireifej also says you might notice your dog eating grass, not eating at all, drinking more water than usual and pacing. He suggests seeing a vet for a formal diagnosis.
- Constipation: Similar to gastroenteritis, four to six walks per day can help get things moving. Another bit of another table food, canned pumpkin, may also help. The amount of pumpkin you give is size-dependent. Ireifej says there’s no hard and fast rule, but he recommends one tablespoon for smaller dogs, two for medium breeds, three for large and four for extra-large. Consult your vet if you are unsure. And increase water intake. Try making it fun by “allowing the pet to play with and ingest ice cubes,” Ireifej recommends.
- Dental Disease: Sugar can cause dental disease in dogs, too. Dr. Ireifej recommends enzymatic dental chews and toothbrushing.
If you think your dog may have diabetes or is obese, consult your vet for interventions.
If pineapple causes more harm than good, it’s best to avoid it — it’s not a necessary part of a dog’s diet. But if your pup enjoys it and doesn’t experience any adverse side effects, a little can be a tasty (and healthy) treat.
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