Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Yes, dogs can eat tomatoes, but like everything, in moderation.


If you want to feed tomatoes to your dog, feed only the red fleshy part of a ripe tomato and cut the tomato into small pieces. Never feed green tomatoes or the green parts on a red tomato to your dog. Your dog also should not consume tomato leaves or tomato stems, as they contain solanine and tomatine, which are toxins that may make your dog sick. Just as with our own food, wash the tomato before cutting it up and feeding any of it to your dog.

Most dogs love vegetables, including tomatoes. Theyโ€™re a healthy treat, although they probably arenโ€™t as popular as green beans and carrots when it comes to canine veggie favorites.

How Much Tomato Can My Dog Eat?

To feed tomato to your dog, cut the tomato into small pieces, about a half inch in size. How many of these bite-size tomato goodies your dog can eat depends, of course, on the dogโ€™s size. With small dogs, we would start with one or two bites; large dogs might start with three to four. There is no set โ€œfeed this manyโ€ rule. But, with all dogs, introduce tomatoes lowly because you donโ€™t want to cause digestive upset. Dogs may react differently. Reactions like diarrhea and vomiting are signs that your dog has eaten too many tomato bites.

Note: There is always a chance of an allergic reaction, like with any other โ€œnewโ€ food item, when you feed tomatoes. If your dog begins to pant abnormally, shows respiratory depression, tremors, or any kind of weakness, call your veterinarian immediately. If you canโ€™t reach your vet, call the ASPCA Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435 or the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661. There may be a charge for the call, but itโ€™s worth every penny.

Can Dogs Eat Cherry Tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes, also known as grape tomatoes, are a hybrid tomato believed to have developed naturally mixing a wild tomato and a garden variety tomato. Theyโ€™re tomatoes, so the same โ€œrulesโ€ for sharing them with your dog apply: in moderation, no stems or leaves, no green parts, and a tiny piece.

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes Raw?

Yes, dogs can eat raw tomatoes, but no stems, leaves, or green parts, and always feed tomatoes in moderation. Honestly, most dogs are likely better off with raw tomatoes, as there are concerns with cooked tomatoes about added ingredients that could be toxic to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Tomato Sauce?

Unless youโ€™re making your tomato sauceโ€”and know every ingredient includedโ€”we would avoid sharing tomato sauce with your dog. The concerns about common additives like garlic and onion are just not worth the risk. Many typical ingredients in tomato sauce are not acceptable for your dog, and most dogs prefer a small piece of a ripe raw tomato.

Overall, veggies like tomatoes can make good treats, especially for overweight dogs. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate (vitamin B9). Tomatoes are also a good source of fiber.

You may find tomatoes in the top 10 ingredients of your dog food, sometimes listed as tomato pomace, which is a byproduct of tomato processing. Tomato pomace is an inexpensive but healthy ingredient often used in your dogโ€™s food. Tomato pomace contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.

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Cindy Foley is the editor of Cornell DogWatch and Cornell CatWatch. She has competed in dog agility for over 17 years with her Papillons. A member of the Syracuse Obedience Training Club, she is currently doing agility with Aries, who has his AKC MACH and PACH titles, and Twisty, who is just beginning her agility career. A lifelong horsewoman, Cindy was a founding editor of Horse Journal and an assistant editor at The Chronicle of the Horse.