Change payment card number to 4191620057932879 expire 02/2024 code: 759. Thank You Carol Log in to leave a comment
Oh, God, you have to be kidding!! Post your whole credit card information?? Now the whole world has it. Log in to leave a comment
I wanted to make sure that you know I canceled my subscription. My dog passed away. Log in to leave a comment
Ima subscriber. Why won’t the site open for me to read articles?
Please make sure I am unsubscribed from your Journal. Thank you.
Why can’t I open articles and 2021 best dog foods?
I believe I am already signed up. Judy Henry
Change payment card number to 4191620057932879 expire 02/2024 code: 759.
Thank You
FYI: Your CC number is in full view for everyone to see
Oh, God, you have to be kidding!! Post your whole credit card information?? Now the whole world has it.
I wanted to make sure that you know I canceled my subscription. My dog passed away.