Gabapentin is a medication that veterinarians are prescribing with increasing frequency, sometimes alone but more commonly in combination with other medications, for the management of pain in dogs. It’s also increasingly prescribed in combination with other medications for canine anxiety. Why has it become so popular? I’ll get to that, but first we have to discuss pain.
Why Dog Pain Relief is a Priority
Pain management has become an integral aspect of health care in both human and veterinary medicine. If you’ve ever been hospitalized or had surgery, you will be familiar with the frequent question, “How’s your pain? Rate it on a scale from zero to 10.” So you try to pick a number, again and again, throughout the time you are hospitalized.
It turns out there is a very compelling reason for this. Pain is not our friend. It hurts. But the significance goes much deeper than that. Left uncontrolled, pain causes not only physical damage but also emotional and psychological damage. It delays healing and negatively impacts the immune system. In humans and nonhuman animals alike, it frequently results in harmful, unwanted behaviors like self-trauma, aggression, or withdrawal from the joys of life.
You’ve heard medical professionals say it’s important to stay ahead of the pain. There’s a strong reason for this as well. Untreated pain makes your pain receptors increasingly sensitive, which results in increasingly worsening pain. This is called “wind-up” pain, and it becomes more difficult to control.
We, veterinarians, work hard to prevent pain. When this is not possible, we work even harder to relieve it. This has become easier over the years with the ongoing advancements in science, medical knowledge, and extrapolation from discoveries made in human medicine. Veterinarians now have a whole array of medications and other therapeutics at their disposal for managing pain.
Chronic pain, something that is not expected to go away, is particularly challenging for us. It must be managed, often for the remainder of the dog’s life. For this type of pain, “polypharmacy” (multiple medications) and a multi-modal (more than one treatment modality) approach are usually most effective.
To manage chronic pain, we usually employ prescription medications, as well as safe and potentially effective “nutraceuticals” –nutritional supplements that have positive effects for a medical condition. There are increasing numbers of veterinarians who use Chinese and herbal medicine as complementary therapies to treat pain. Modalities like acupuncture, laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, physical therapy, and rehabilitation are all readily available to dog owners in most areas. An increasing number of dog owners now use various forms of cannabidiol (CBD) to treat their dog’s pain.
Pain is a highly personal experience. How one patient perceives pain may be completely different from another. Some have higher tolerances than others. One medication or therapy may work wonders for one patient and do nothing for another. This makes it crucial for owners to be observant, monitor their dogs closely for response to therapy, report accurately back to their veterinarians, and be open to recommended changes in the prescribed pain protocol.
What Does Gabapentin do for Dogs?

Gabapentin has gained popularity in leaps and bounds (hey! that’s what we’re going for: leaping and bounding dogs!) for its potential contribution to pain management in veterinary medicine. But this isn’t what it was initially developed to treat.
Pharmaceutically, gabapentin is classified as an anticonvulsant, or an anti-seizure medication. It works by blocking the transmission of certain signals in the central nervous system that results in seizures. Then researchers learned that some of these same transmitters are involved in the biochemical cascade involved in pain perception, and doctors began exploring its use for pain management.
Today, gabapentin is best known and respected for its ability to manage a specific form of pain called neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain comes from damaged nerves, either deep in the brain and spinal cord or in the peripheral nerves, which are the ones that extend outward from the brain and spinal cord. It is different from the pain that is transmitted along healthy nerves from damaged tissue. Examples of neuropathic pain include neck and back pain from bulging discs, pinched nerves, tumors of a nerve or tumors pressing on nerves; some cancers; and dental pain.
A perfect example of neuropathic pain in humans is fibromyalgia. You’ve probably seen the commercials for Lyrica, a treatment for this chronic, debilitating, painful nerve disorder. Lyrica is pregabalin, an analog of gabapentin. (By the way, pregabalin is used in dogs as well, so if your dog’s current pain protocol includes gabapentin but isn’t working well enough, ask your veterinarian about pregabalin.)
How Gabapentin is Used to Manage Pain in Dogs
Although gabapentin is primarily thought to work best for conditions with neuropathic pain, it is most commonly used as an adjunctive or “add-on” medication in the polypharmacy approach to managing any chronic pain. It is rarely used alone, as the sole medication for pain, even in neuropathic conditions like neck and back pain.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are, and likely always will be, the first-line choice in veterinary pain management. But gabapentin is being added more frequently when an NSAID alone isn’t helping enough. Gabapentin is so safe it can be added to virtually any of the drugs currently used for pain management in dogs. There is a recent study that shows gabapentin has a synergistic effect, which means when it’s used in combination with another drug, such as the opioid pain-reliever tramadol, the effect of both drugs are enhanced.
When adding gabapentin to a current pain protocol, you may see some effect within 24 hours, but you won’t see the maximal effect for seven to 10 days. For this reason, dosage adjustments are usually made only every couple of weeks. Be patient. Gabapentin has the potential to add much value to your dog’s current pain-management plan.
Additionally, adding gabapentin, which has minimal side effects, sometimes allows for dosage reduction of other medications like NSAIDs, which do have potentially dangerous side effects, especially with long-term use. This is a huge plus for both your dog and your veterinarian, who took an oath to “do no harm.”
What are the side effects? Nothing much. There is the potential for mild sedation and muscular weakness, which increases with higher dosages. This side effect is usually minimal at the dosages typically prescribed for pain. Veterinarians actually take advantage of this side effect by using higher dosages of gabapentin in combination with other sedative drugs like trazadone to enhance the calming effect for anxious or aggressive patients in the veterinary clinic setting.
Side Effects of Gabapentin for Dogs
Gabapentin has a huge safety margin in dogs. It won’t hurt your dog’s kidneys or liver and is even safe to use with CBD products, although the mild sedative effect of both products may be enhanced.
There are some important precautions of gabapentin for dogs, however:
- First and foremost, do not use the commercially available liquid form of gabapentin made for humans. This preparation contains xylitol, the sweetener that’s commonly used to sweeten sugar-free gum. Xylitol is extremely toxic, even deadly, for dogs.
- Wait before giving gabapentin after antacids. If you regularly give your dog an antacid like Pepcid or Prilosec, you must wait at least two hours after giving the antacid before giving gabapentin, as the antacid decreases absorption of gabapentin from the stomach.
- Never stop gabapentin cold turkey if your dog has been on it for a while. This could result in rebound pain, which is similar to wind-up pain, in that it’s pain that’s worse than ever. For this reason, always wean your dog off gabapentin gradually.
Is Gabapentin Safe for Dogs?

As you can probably tell, I am a huge fan of gabapentin for dogs. It helps many of my patients with their pain, it’s safe, and it’s not expensive. I prescribe it most frequently as part of my polypharmacy approach to managing chronically painful conditions like osteoarthritis and cancer. I prescribe it for dental pain. It works wonders for neck and back pain.
While gabapentin is not currently used heavily for post-operative pain as its efficacy in that realm has been questionable, I’m excited right now as there is a study under way to assess its efficacy pre-emptively (before the pain) for dogs undergoing surgery. Many veterinarians already prescribe it for their surgical patients to be started before the procedure, because they have so much faith in it.
Gabapentin is extremely safe for dogs, and it has the potential to alleviate pain for our dogs and improve their quality and enjoyment of life. If you’ve been wondering why so many veterinarians are prescribing this medication more and more, there’s your answer. We see results, plain and simple.
Gabapentin does not have a direct anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect, limiting its usefulness for treating the chronically stressed, anxious dog as a stand-alone drug. However, as with its synergistic use alongside pain medications, it is sometimes prescribed in combination with Prozac (fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reputable inhibitor [SSRI]) or Clomicalm (clomipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant [TCA]) for persistent cases of generalized anxiety, panic disorders, compulsive disorders, and true separation anxiety.
The goal when adding gabapentin in these instances is to help the dog relax in the face of his stressors, as you try to help him through his issues with appropriate desensitization and behavior modification exercises. This is particularly useful in cases where the dog is already receiving the maximum dose of anti-anxiety medication, with less than the desired effect.
It’s important to note that medication alone is not likely to relieve anxiety for your dog unless paired with the above-mentioned desensitization and behavior-modification exercises. These exercises can be prescribed by your veterinarian or a veterinary behavior specialist.
Gabapentin’s sedative effect at higher dosages can be used on an as needed basis to help dogs relax and get through specific situations that cause undue stress for them. Examples of this type of situational anxiety are veterinary visits, grooming appointments, long car rides, thunderstorms and fireworks.
I would mention that timing of doses is very important. Gabapentin was prescribed to my wheaten terrier suffering through the hideous disease of PLE. Only when I gave him his twice-a-day medications precisely twelve hours apart did some relief occur.
Timing medications: what most people don’t realize for themselves and their animals that medications work better when timed precisely. For example; when the medication instruction says 3x’s day? Most people will take this during their 3 mealtimes. This actually compresses taking the medicine during daytime hours. NO NO NO. It is MORE EFFECTIVE to take your medicine every 8 hours, this way, you can time your medicine to cover you equally in a 24hr period. It matters not what the hourly schedule is, whatever works best for you and your lifestyle. But timing medicine equally over the 24hrs is the
Most important thing. I’m not a medical professional, however I am a professional patient with a long standing history of researching my own medical care.
My dog presented with back leg pain, and was prescribed Gabapentin. Within days, he completely lost his hearing. Completely. The vet told me that it wasn’t possible, but when he saw the dog, he had to admit the dog had lost his hearing. He was taken off Gabapentin, and eventually the dog regained his hearing, but not completely.
That’s interesting to know. I had a dog that was on Gaba. long-term for spine and back leg pain. She went deaf over time. It never occurred to me to connect the two things.
Nor me. I know that my current dog is on it and is going deaf. She is also like 11 but this is interesting to think about.
My sheltie had bad arthritis in his back legs. Our vet put him on Galloprant & Gabapentin. In a very short time he went deaf. I took him off Gabapentin but hearing did not return. He has however been on Galloprant for years & it has kept him moving with no side effects. I don’t know if his short time on the Gabepentin caused the deafness but it’s very suspect.
My Border Collie is 12 and Gaba was added to help w arthritic pain (he was already on Rimadyl). Being 12, his hearing had decreased due to age but, after he’d been on gaba for a month or 2 it REALLY went bad – practically deaf. I just thought it was a sudden change due to being a senior. He was on Gaba for about6 months. Then, life got crazy and I couldn’t pick up his Gaba for a couple wks. His pain was not worse bcs of it so decided not to refill it. A few wks later, he could hear me whistle to come inside(whereas, when he was on the GABA, I hr could not). Gradually, his hearing improved back to where it had been previous to the gabapentin. Luckily, Rimadyl has been able to manage his old age arthritic pain.
Both of my aussies lost their hearing after taking gabapentin. Vet said it was because of their age, but I am sure it was the gabapentin. I would not recommend to anyone to put their dog on it.
My dog was given a dose of gabapentin solution (compounded for him so not the human liquid) THROUGH HIS IV while in the ICU at a teaching hospital. It put him in a coma with kidney and liver failure and 6 hours later he was brain dead. They admitted it was an error that never should have happened. But, like all meds, the “nothing much” side effects is predicated upon it’s being given correctly.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. My sympathies to you and your family.
Omg sorry to hear this 💔
I’m so sorry for your tragic loss. Unfortunately, human errors do occur.
If I remember my research on it it is NEVER to be given through IV. I am so sorry for your loss.
I hope u sued there ass. I would of been heart broken and very pissed. Ready for blood. Ereww just reading this makes me mad 4 you. Ur poor baby
You couldn’t pay me enough
to take Gabapentin (the drug du jour) myself much less give it to my animals. Who knows what kind of mind/personality problems it may cause. Was not surprised to read about the hearing issue mentioned above.
I took gabapentin after my gall bladder was removed, and it was incredibly effective. It reduced the pain to where I was aware of it, but not bothered by it. This allowed me to not do stupid things while recovering, yet remain comfortable. I took it many years ago for nerve pain (the kind of pain you would do ANYTHING to alleviate) and it was the one med that worked. My elderly dog takes it in conjunction with Carprofen, and it has decreased her back and hip pain to the point where she thinks she is a puppy again at times.
All meds have the possibility of having negative effects, but most times the benefits outweigh the risks, especially in the case of a highly effective drug that does not typically produce side effects.
I agree. I’ve been taking Gabe with naproxen for my back and knees. The pain is absolutely debilitating without it. I recently adopted a 9yo, 97 lb pitbull with severe arthritis. I had to help him up and down the 3 steps into my house. After just 2 weeks of Gabapentin and carprofan he’s running and playing with my other dog. The transformation is nothing less then miraculous.
Good to hear both you and your pup recovered well with the help of this pharmaceutical product. It has its place in treatment and we have used it sparingly.
However, it is not correct at all that ”most times the benefits outweigh the risks, especially in the case of a highly effective drug that does not typically produce side effects.”
We are seeing right before eyes, this pattern of affecting hearing.
It is another example of pharma companies obfuscating the truth; and this opaqueness gets filtered down through the medical community that we rely on for help.
And there are a great many examples of cases of benefits NOT outweighing the risks, and yet we are steered towards them.
Anyone needing help with nerve pain, try homeopathic Hypericum Perforatum in the form of 30C or 200C pellets, and see what happens (test in advance of any urgent need).
In addition, check out the usefulness of Arnica Montana and Aconitum.
And, a huge THANK YOU to all the people taking the time to comment on here about their experiences with Gabapentin and the hearing issues!
We need to keep communicating amongst us and sharing our stories.
I took it after abdominal surgery (colon resection) last year. I took it along with plain Tylenol, and never needed even one dose of a narcotic pain reliever. IV morphine or Dilaudid was available but I didn’t need it. Granted, robotic surgery damages much less tissue, but it was still very major surgery.
I had the same type of surgery but I definitely had to have narcotics!
My baby came home from a very complicated surgery on 300 mg gabapentin. She had been taking one at night and was doing well. The 300 every 12 was too much. She was so sedated she was urinating all over herself in her sleep day and night.
But now she has a lot of arthritis pain. Vet has her on rimadyl and tram. Tram I think makes her a little sedate too so I don’t like to give it every 12 because then she doesn’t want to get up and go out. But she cries a lot waking me up all night and I can’t tell if it’s anxiety or pain. Maybe a little of both. She’s a 65 lb 11 yr old afghan hound and I think she’s very sensitive to meds. She takes 2 tram at night with a GABA. I’m wondering if I should add a gaba in the morning. My vet is amazing.
More recent research has shown that Tramadol is not effective in reducing arthritis pain 😟. I’m not a clinician, but I would ask about increasing the gabapentin, weaning her off the tramadol, and considering CBD oil. There’s a Facebook group for CBD oil for pets, very informative.
Galliprant is great for arthritic pain and has less severe side effects than the typical nsaids such as carprofen. Tramadol was a short lived pain med for us. Gabapentin has been great in conjunction with galliprant and even as a standalone post acl surgery.
Agree, I found Galliprant along with an improved diet & Dasuquin was enough to relieve any discomfort in osteoarthritic hip in my 6yo foster dog. I also trimmed her down from 62lb to 55lb. She went from screaming & crying when trying to stand up to running & jumping around playing.
How did you trim her down. My 8 yr old has a limp from his right leg. They couldn’t manipulate it because he wouldn’t relax. They want to sedate him to manipulate it to see if it’s the knee. Idk I gave him his first dose of gabapentin today. But really want to help him lose weight. He does t eat a lot so I’m not sure how to do this. Longer walks will aggravate his leg. He Moans when he lays down now as the day goes on. Breaks my heart.
Yes! My old boy has arthritis and he gets Galliprant. I can see that it is some much more effective over a longer period of time than what was available the last time I had a geriatric dog. I do give him monthly injections of Adequan, and daily Dasuquin too. He had surgery last month (not major) and was sent home with just Gabapentin to give in conjunction with the Galliprant and he showed no signs of needing anything more (the surgeon knew that I have Tramadol at home too). He was a bit sedated for the first two days, but at his age I figure it was at least partially anesthesia related. I did however notice that he was walking with an easier gait and asked our regular vet if we could just keep him on a lower dose and he agreed it was a good idea. I am not a veterinary professional- but I am a retired pediatric RN, so I am used to assessing patients who can’t tell you what they feel.
Tramadol has helped my little dog a lot with his arthritis!
Tramadol alone is not very effective according to my vet.
I had to take both gabapentin and tramadol along with Naproxen after 5 consecutive back surgeries. Gabapentin made me very forgetful and sedated but it is outstanding fir neuropathic pain which is very difficult to treat. NSAIDS ( like naproxen or metacam for dogs ) is good for inflammation but limited for severe pain. No clinicians like prescribing tramadol because it’s an opiate derivative so is abused and sold but the fact is- it works. Without it occasionally, I could not work. It dulls the nerve pain and also all the associated muscle and movement pain that accompanies nerve pain and arthritis. I am a clinician as well as a patient and you have to advocate for the (dog) patient. Most people I know with severe arthritis or chronic pain, have to take tramadol at some points.
Ask your vet about galliprant
Galliprant is a great drug for pain relief but it costs me 88.00 for 30 pills!! I just can’t pay that much. I have skipped my own meds to buy this for her. Now I give carprofen and every few days I’ll add a gabapentin. It’s cheaper and works just as well. She’s 10 years old and has some arthritis in her hind legs and middle back.
I get 30 Galliprant for $36 at Costco. It is half the price that the Veterinary Clinic charges. I also have pet insurance that covers it. Galliprant and Gabapentin work well together for my 16 yr 8 mo old dog with arthritis and cervical and lumbar spine degeneration.
If you get a perscriptiion from your vet you can get it online and it’s cheaper
Hi Patricia. You can use the Good Rx card on medications for pets and it helps to cut down the costs. Maybe you already use it but if not, it’s totally free to get one.
you can even use the adult GoodRX which a pharmacist said was better. I used it for one dog’s Cushing Meds and now for my dog’s Gabapentin.
i use tramadol myself and i can tell you i cannot take it at night because it causes the worst nightmares ever . as much as i could use it some nights i will never take it in the evening !
My italian greyhound is 13. And had all kinds of aches and pains and boo boos. He is suppose to get a 100mlg of gab twice a day. But i cut back to only one during the day and hes like a puppy again. It has giving him back his youth. Twice a day made him to sleepy but one a day is wonderful
My Bichon Poo had a disc problem and was prescribed this and Pred. Right now she’s down to every other day to ween off pred. Everyone who knows her has said this is a new dog. She loves the walkers now. she only goes out front not for a walk with her neck problem. she is eating all the snacks. She LOOKS so different too. bright eyed and ready to go.
I know her teeth ARE BAD. they have been afraid of giving her anesthestic. she has other problems. But wow. this is something. I will be calling the vet to see if she can stay on this periodically. maybe every other day or so.
Hmm the writer may be a fan of this but after mass research did you know that these types of drugs can also cause some behaviour issues in animals. My dog was on this but quickly became very aggressive in his nature, I saw the difference after taking him off it. Yes it can also cause kidney and other functional issues. Don’t be fooled.
Hi Demonica My dog has been on gaba for about 4 weeks and has now ‘gone for’ both our other collie and mini aussie shepherd who he is best friends with. I can only think it is the gab. So your dog settled down after taking him off it?
I myself was on Gaba for Multiple Sclerosis/Fibro… it gave me super bad Nightmares
I stopped it… this drug was part of a class action lawsuit for “off label” use for nerve pain
then all of a sudden its used on dogs for… nerve pain…. kinda confusing
since dogs cant tell us if they are bothered “mentally” by this drug… I would be cautious trying it… if behavior issues pop up.. Id take that as a sign….. ~ retired vet tech…. and owner/breeder of American Cocker Spaniels (a breed that goes down in the back.. A LOT)
A same medication given to a dog/cat and a human do not react the same way. We are not physiologically wired the same way.
Ur not suppose to abruptly take them off gab. U wean them cause if they are on a high dose they will actually go threw withdrawals. Thats why he could of been moody. Or the dog was in pain again and one way dogs show u they have pain is aggression or snipping at u when u touch them. So im not so sure what u said was true
My elderly cocker spaniel {14 yr) has been on gabapentin (2/day) and Rimadyl for 2 years due to leg injury and arthritis. She has hip problems too. She would be in a lot of pain without these meds. She has not experienced any side effects that I’m aware of. So much better than the alternative of major surgery for this elderly girl.
Our old dog did not respond well to Gabapentin. A few hours after the first (blue) capsule, he vomited a dinner plate sized pile of blue mucous.
That’s because you gave it on an empty stomach, except for the bile that broke down the pill and absorb the coloring.
As an M.D. pain specialist, my impression of gabapentin is it’s garbage. No studies have shown it to be beneficial except to a marginal extent in neuropathic pain. The side effects are legion and can be not only debilitating but life threatening. I have accurately diagnosed gabapentin overdose in three different people just talking to them for a few minutes in social encounters. One of them had been told she probably wouldn’t live long but after weaning off the drug, was normal again. Another had to be hospitalized for a week to wean her off it. These were all overdoses, but of course the reason for the excessive dose was their doctor kept increasing the amount prescribed because it didn’t work.
I have no experience using it in animals but with what I know about human response, wouldn’t give it to my dog as I like her far too much.
I’ll accept your take on this drug and not the writer of the article. Only once was my Callie given gabapentin. I threw the other doses out. Never again.
Totally agree, it seems the norm now for physicians either vets or Dr’s to prescribe this. I had this for my pooch, never again as it caused him to have behaviour issues. Once of all the drugs that the vet prescribed he became a lot easier to handle and better behaved. I often wonder if the drugs that vets use are some how a scam for money of the pharmaceutical companies. Its like have this it will make your dog feel better, more money and your dog suffers the side effects of it. Or try this one more 💵 into their pockets. I gave all the drugs back to the vets in the end.
I will have to say that it is a game changer for my mom(late 70s) who uses it for nerve pain from degenerative disease in her back and MS nerve pain.
My dog was recently given it for
myopathy and is not having any problems. I see a noticeable improvement but is early yet
Not all medicine will work for everyone/dog- always be cautious and do what’s best for your health.
MS (dx 98) nerve pain, degenerative disk disease, and Fibro (oh and lets not forget restless leg) here… gaba does nothing for me and gave me extreme nightmares (not to mention weight gain) for the MS.. what makes my life totally normal (no disabilities at all) I DONT TAKE THEIR DRUGS THAT THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.. (simply because they know little about the disease).. as a 30 year breeder of American Cocker Spaniels and a retired vet tech… yea NOT giving that to my Dogs… Hugs to your mom .. we live a trying life (trying to get to the next day- counting our “spoons”)
Dogs process it differently than humans.
Since you’re not trained in veterinary medicine & the writer is, I’ll pay attention to the latter who’s the one that’s medically & academically & practically qualified on the subject. If you have relevant experience & knowledge with the drug’s usage for animals let’s hear it.
I have very successfully taken gabapentin to control my pain issues. I wouldn’t be here without it. I can also say I wish my vet had prescribed gabapentin to my dog instead of the vetprofen that cause total kidney and liver failure and her ultimate death. Vetprofen is pretty much total poison for labs. Doctors over dosing their patients with gabapentin is a doctor problem not a medication problem.
I myself was on Gabapentin for two years, as well as Naproxen (later switched to Tramadol due to gut issues) for pain relating to HSD. In that time, I was shocked to discover that my previously normal bone density had dropped to borderline Osteoporosis. I then learned that Gabapentin blocks absorption of calcium. My old Border Collie was on Tramadol and Gabapentin. I weaned him off, he is now on Meloxicam and Omegas and much perkier.
Do you know anything about Gabapentin blocking calcium absorption in dogs? Would it not seem counterproductive when medicating for joint issues?
Interested to know what omegas your dog is taking?
what dosage was prescribed? For what duration? Were the patients weaned off of the drug?
I’ve taken Gabapentin for over 20years. I’ve had a bit of experience with it.
Very mild drug… feel zero effects from it after ~48 to 72hrs. (initially one can potentially have some minor vision side effects along with balance. Ability to manage pain is very minimal.
Thank you for the insight… I agree
A vet neurologist (DVM,PhD,DipECVN) told us the use of gabapentin is not well researched, the side-effects common and the use for neuropathic pain relief minimal. We ended up seeing him when my dog had severe side-effects on the lowest dose of gabapentin, which completely overshadowed any positive effects on neuropathic pain. Side-effects included unsteady gait and being completely overwhelmed by the environment to the extend that there was no reaching her. TCA’s are much safer and well researched for neuropathic pain.
I am shocked to see such a high recommendation for this drug. I had a dog on it that had epilepsy and he became aggressive (also died of kidney complications but not sure if that was the gabapentin). How about Galliprant, have read better things about this for pain?
My vet prescribed gabapentin to 3 of my elderly dogs (now deceased, but not from the drug). All it did was to leave them drowsy and unsteady on their feet.
Gabapentin is POISON!!!! – To both humans and animals. Strictly manufactured for drug company profit. I would NEVER subject my pet to this.
It also made me very depressed while I took it….. for a very short time I might add.
Drugs are not to make us well but to treat symptoms. Better to do things like easy swimming for dogs and increase blood flow etc….
just my humble opinion.
Agree 100%
I’m on gabapentin and it has saved my sanity. If I were not on it my neuropathy would be so bad that I would not be able to do anything! My little female dog is on it right now because of a hurt leg. It seems to be helping her a lot. I don’t believe it’s garbage at all.
Me either! I’ve had two senior dogs on it (with Carprofen) for the last two years, and it’s made a dramatic difference. I haven’t seen any negative side effects.
What isn’t mentioned in the article is that Gabapentin is now classified in the same category as narcotics.
It now is more difficult to get as a controlled substance.
I get gabapentin with no such restrictions. I can’t handle primadone for my benign essential tremors, and gabapentin has given me back my life. I use it for anxiety when I have to treat my senior dog for certain at home procedures and wouldn’t be without it. It’s a great medication for both of us
Totally agree!!
My wife has been taking gabapentin for various pain issues with mixed results, but my comment is not about the med but pain itself. We waited to have a dog until I was about to retire so he would not be alone very often. We got him as a puppy and he is now an 8 1/2 year old Shih Tzu and having some minor issues (digestive). Not trying to be a smart alec, but how do we know when he hurts? A few years ago when he over extended a front leg, we took him in and they gave him an NSID, but he never complained, but we could tell how he walked. He only complains when his meals are being prepared too slowly.
This is a good example of why it’s important to read the comments.
Was just thinking that too 😱
My dog was prescribed gabapentin in conjunction with carprofen for severe arthritis pain. However the gabapentin caused heavy sedation. She was immobile for hours. Not what we wanted for a dog with arthritis, where frequent, short bits of walking are beneficial. She currently enjoys life much better with the carprofen, DGP, “Golden Paste” (turmeric mixture), Wobenzym, acupuncture and laser therapy every few weeks.
Thank goodness for your dog you are a knowledgable owner!
Gabapentin was a lifesaver for my seven year old Giant Schnauzer after getting a bad case of Lyme.
He was bitten by a tick on his shoulder, and ended up in horrible pain, literally crying out whenever he turned the wrong way, or tried to get up. When I massaged the shoulder, I could feel the heat in the shoulder… it was literally vibrating with the nerve pain. He was placed on four weeks of antibiotics, but for the pain, acupuncture had a limited effect, and the NSAID injection didn’t seem to help. However, after he was put on Gabapentin, I noticed a steady improvement each day. The first night, he and his humans were even able to get some much needed rest. My vet wanted to add Cortisone to the treatment, but after seeing his steady improvement, she and I agreed it was not necessary. He’s now back to full health, and I credit the Gabapentin, antibiotics treatment, a whole foods diet, (including a soft boiled egg a day and plenty of fish oil)… and joint support supplements and herbs, for keeping him in good shape.
Now I keep a bottle of Gabapentin pills in case it is needed if there is a Lyme flare-up, but so far, so good!
My German Shepherd had a bad case of Lyme’s as well. A Neurological veterinarian prescribed Gabapentin and Carprofen. He has improved greatly and appears to be totally normal again – running, playing etc. I don’t like giving meds so I would like to wean him off. How long was your dog on Gabapentin and did you wean off slowly?
Gabapentin has been a lifesaver for my dog!
He is a 90 pound very large Labradoodle. Without this drug, he would have to have been put down months ago. I had him on joint supplements at a very early age, but eventually arthritis gets to all of us, whether we are human or canine.
He is taking 100 mg. 2x per day and is still on the supplements. Additionally, he goes for water therapy and cold laser treatments.
Prior to all of this, he lost his zest for anything; he was in pain.
The vet recommended a CBD joint supplement and CBD oil: he had a horrible upset stomach
Regardless of whatever medications we may be discussing, some work and some do not
We started our girls on Adequan shots and they have been able to completely come off the galliprant and are on only thc free cbd oil and it is miraculous. We also give them glucosamine, hylaronic acid and joint supplements along with quite a bit of fish oil daily and add a little extra vit e (almonds) to offset any deficiencies created by the fish oil. I highly recommend the adequan injections as we can tell as soon as they begin to wear off.
I am on an 11.5K Facebook group for Megaesophagus (ME) and people are giving their dogs that have a lot of Regurgitation, drugs that are designed for other things. But because there is no good way to fix an stretched out Esophagus and a weak Lower Esophageal Sphincter, other drugs are used. Mostly it’s Sildenafil (Viagra), and Omezaprole, Pepcid (to keep the regurgitated bile from coming up and burning), and Metoclopramide (Reglan), and I’ve also seen, Cerenia, and Gabapentin.
ME can also be secondary to PRAA or MG (Myasthenia Graves).
Most vets have never seen this problem, and recommend putting dogs down. They can be born with it like my puppy or develop it later.
I think the microbiome is messed up from toxins or not good enough nutrition.
A good probiotic is invaluable. Kibble can causes so many gut problems. We had a dog that vomited all the time since he was a puppy and vets said it was his palate bc he had a short snout and was a bully breed. I finally tried sucralfate for a cpl weeks and viola, no more vomiting. Unfortunately by then he was already 8 :(. We give all our dogs probiotics now and they seem to be great!
While my cat does well on Gabapentin, it was horrible for last dog. She got so wobbly on even the lowest dose that she’d panic, causing worse wobbles and falling over. We tried it over a few weeks per the vets recommendation and she never adjusted. Finally took her off it and she got better after a few weeks. I’m glad it works for most dogs but I wish the wobbly side effects weren’t brushed aside like that aren’t upsetting to the dog.
I would argue there are no miracle drugs and blanket recommendations for and against need to be looked at as just that – extremes. That from a research physiologist. Love the data 🙂 As for gabapentin, I was given it first following several surgeries to clean up septic arthritis of the thumb after a dog bite because of excruciating nerve pain. Long story short, NO way could I tolerate the gabapentin. Made me totally loopy and did diddly for the pain. Thank goodness scarring has subsequently covered the pissed off nerve. Meantime, my springer has developed lower back pain that has been debilitating and not responsive to herbals, NSAIDS, opioids or acupuncture so we tried him starting with the tablets left from my Rx (hey, waste not want not). It works for him – dosing 1/2 tab a.m.; full tab before bed and if I am tardy with the dose, he is right there telling me in no uncertain terms it is time for his dose. The only side effect for him has been a lessening of his ability to remain on task for extended periods of times when scenting – I am not complaining as at least he is comfortable and still can play one of his most favorite games. I think what I am saying is what always made my Med students go crazy – “It depends”.
I have a Bichon that is on gabapentin and has has no issues. I would like to point out, just like anything else in life, just because one dog has had issues with this drug doesn’t mean every dog will. I didn’t go to veterinarian medical school, I can only give my vet as much information as I can about my dog, and I depend on her to give my baby the appropriate treatment. If gabapentin doesn’t work well for your dog, then don’t give it. I had a dog die from tramadol, but that doesn’t mean my current dog will die from it. We need to put everything in perspective.
I agree Cynthia.
I have found that off-label use of human meds for dogs or pet parrots is based on speculation and I don’t really trust the use of gabapentin in dogs without reading studies that prove otherwise. I understand that it is hard to diagnose pain and judge pain relief in dogs that can be stoic and can’t talk. That all said, most human drugs have been tested on lab beagles before being tested on humans. It would be great if we could see how pain relief was measured in those studies (probably very barbaric involving wounding the dogs in a way that makes something measurable difficult like not-limping after a surgical foot wound). What were the recorded side effects in those studies? What was the percentage of relief measured and for what types of injuries? Even though that data exists, I am sure veterinarians have no access to it and I am pretty sure it still makes this drug and “off-label” application when used on canines.
My Scottie had sudden leg pain and I started giving her CBD oil because I had it on hand. Took her to emergency vet hospital for diagnosis. The vet couldn’t find injury or anything, so she said it was probably arthritis. I had suspected that because of her age. Vet prescribed gabapentin and suggested stopping the CBD “because it has not been tested.” I researched the gaba. and decided against it. To me the CBD has been tested by its WIDE USE and it is effective without side effects, while, to me, gaba. has had questionable research. I have continued the CBD and the really painful episode is over. I continue to give it to her when I suspect she is having some pain but not limping or showing visible signs. This of course is from close observation because she is so stoic and doesn’t tell me when she is hurting, she just slows down a lot and sleeps more. After her little dose of CBD she perks up and is more frisky–that’s enough ””testing” for me.
I have a 90lb female GSD who is leash reactive and ready to fight any dog. I do have to use a prong choke collar, which I know how to use, and it is emergency only in the even I have to lead her away from another dog, as she is super strong. She is on a harness, so I have to leashes and she is muzzled to protect other dogs. She is on 48 mg daily of Reconcile, and has had one on one training. Her behaviorist wants to add 100mg 2x daily of GABA. Not going to happen. It’s a crap drug, maybe good for temporary pain, but I don’t see it as a long term fix. I am looking into a vibration collar or a collar that just beeps. I’m at the end of my rope, my dog is a wonderful, sweet, and in the house super obedient. We go on 3-4 mile walks and if we see another dog, I have to be on the alert and sometimes we have to turn around and go the other way. Funny the behaviorist dont like the vibration or beep collars, but ok to load dogs up on drugs.
My daughter trains protection dogs and working dogs (primarily Malinowski and GSD). An E collar and prong are as important as the rewards and positive reinforcement. All of it regulated and deserved.
I couldn’t walk my Am Staff without a prong til we/he learned not to charge after squirrels. He is now on a loose leash with very brave squirrels 3’ from him.
Find another trainer who can show you results without meds.
That’s because the medication treats the underlying emotional state of the dog where a shock, prong, or buzz collar simply suppresses behavior. Suppression can result in fallout behavior worse than the behavior you are trying to suppress. Think of it like jabbing a person with a stick when they have a panic attack vs giving them something that helps them feel more at ease. There is a ton of research showing that dominance/aversive training is less effective than positive reinforcement especially long term
Have you checked out Larry Krohn’s youtube channel? Might find it interesting.
My 4 year old English Labrador Retriever is on Gabapentin and CBD oil for seizures along with Levothyroxine for thyroid. She has not had any problems with the Gabapentin and we are in hopes that it will reduce her seizures as they are just starting (2 seizures in 5 months). It is very important to follow the every 12 hrs when giving medication. She is calmer but it’s too early to tell if the seizures are reduced. But I will continue with this protocol because I love her and if you have a pup who has seizures you will try anything. By the way I myself cannot take Gabapentin but that is not the norm as I know several folks who do fir nerve pain and it’s great. You should not make a blanket statement that Gabapentin is a bad drug!
My 11 year old American Bulldog is on gabapentin for a bad back ankle. They have the script for 300mg 3 x a day and it’s too much for her. So I give her 1 3x a day and she does fine. If she didn’t have it she couldn’t walk. She has had no problems with it at all. The other thing is she is more relaxed. We went through the Camp Fire in Paradise Ca in 2018 and she has ptsd from the fire and what we went through after. We both do. The gabapentin has helped her totally.
I am so sorry that you went through the fire in Paradise. All love to you and your bully ❤️
I’m so sorry in regards to the fire and your pup. I’m originally from Redding, CA. That was a horrible year for fires. I’m glad your pup made it and that gabapentin seems to be helping it!! Take care and give your pup a good pet and scratch for me!!
I have a 5 year old cavie who developed symptoms of syringomyelia, cervical muscle spasm, hypersentivitiy, not wanting to walk on her right front paw etc…. We found gabapentin 100mg BD didnt work straight away but it kicked in well at 7 days and we stopped dosing prednisone 2.5mg intermittently which did amazing for her in the acute phase she was a new dog after prednisone daily. Anyway now she is off prednisone was only very short term and has maintained being in no pain on gaba twice a day, sometimes she would scratch in that area but otherwise she is running, rolling, all the signs of a happy baby.
Now after a few weeks I want to try to wean and see what she is like off it. Does anyone have experience in this condition in cavs? How long have peoples dogs been on gabapentin for?
Do not take her off once you start. I have a cavalier on gabapentin 3x a day. SM is chronic pain and progresses with time. Your dog will be in so much pain without it. My cav does amazing on gabapentin and is energetic and happy.
I would never give this drug to another dog after the experience I had with my last dog who had cancer. It caused horrible hallucinations and and made him ravenous. He was miserable until I took him off it.
My 11 year old westie has been just diagnosed with osteosarcoma. She has been on it for 10days and has severe hind leg weakness. She keeps falling over and can barely get up when she falls over. Did you wean your dog off or just take him off? She is on only one 100mg pill a day. Did you find another pain reliever for you dog with cancer after you stopped the gabapentin?
I cannot believe I am back on this site. I am just now seeing your message. I took my other dog off of it. Recently, another dog of mine was having nerve pain and reluctantly I used this drug again because I didn’t want to see him suffer. But now he cannot walk, is knuckling, and crossing his legs over. He looks like he might be paralyzed! I have read that this has happened in humans as well. He is a 45 lb dog and was taking 300-400mg per day even though the dosage was up to 800mg per day. I’m taking him off of this and praying the damage isn’t permanent after reading several other stories of gabapentin-induced taxia.
I believe that is way too high of a dose! Please check with a vet and pharmacist….
Our 14 year old lab began to have increased muscle weakness when taking Gabapentin. She was unable to support herself when squatting & consistently fell over. We weaned her off the Gabapentin & the muscle weakness immediately improved. We do have her on Carprofen.
And what about cats? Seems this drug is being given a lot for all sorts of pain for cats. It’s harder to get a pill down a cat’s throat, than a dog’s throat, for the average Cat Owner. And cats hate the smell and taste, too. Other suggestions?
My elderly cat is on gabapentin and I pay extra to have it compounded into a liquid .It has made a world of difference .
Thank u, I wS unaware to wait 2 hours after pepsid. I will change this tomorrow.
I had to Collies at age 12 the begin to loose the strength in their back legs. They would go out to use the yard and sort of take in the fresh air and walk a bit. Then start up the steps to come lay on their beds. If I had known about the Gabapentin, which I now take for a botched knee & now the hip. I would have tried 100 mil for them, as thing would get worse 200mil. I begin to take Gummy for my pain (Hemp) and found relief. The second Collie I begin to do the same for her. She could not eat a whole one so I sat on the floor and tore pieces off and then she would chew a bit. Did not stop the aging but she was comfortable. The first Collie we had to him down ( that was so awful) I only wish I had know about the Gaba & the Hemp. For Blue.) Nothing the Vet gave him really didn’t work Annabelle before I became her Vet she had developed Kidney disease. But at lease she was almost pain free. One other thing until I was given food from the Vet! We gave them food from Pet Smart. It all came from China, and has since been pulled from the Market. One was Kibble & Bits. Be aware where the food comes from for your pets
No way I would take Gabapentin nor give it to my dog! I am disappointed the Whole Dog Journal is pushing this medication – really changes my opinion of it.
I currently have 2 bullmastiffs (both 8 y/o) on carprofren and gabapentin. They are in the end stages of osteosarcoma, both with tumors on their front wrists. Currently taking 200mg gabapentin at night and 100mg carprofen every 8 hrs. One is 165lb and the other is 135lb. I have heard both positive and negative reviews on both medications. Have been looking into natural pain remedies (Horsetail, turmeric golden paste, boswellia, Devils claw, so on) but don’t want to waste time if these aren’t as strong, as my babies are in immense pain. Any recommendations?
on 2 Sept in the evening, we have our 3 yr and 10 month old Hemophilic type A ( part Doberman part Belgian Malinois ) a 100 mg Gabapentin. He was limping and in some pain. He did not do well with other meds such as Tramadol and ofcourse couldn’t take NSAIDS. Every few months when he would have a Hematoma he would receive a transfusion at the ER and we did regular blood test to check his clotting factor, he was a beautiful happy and lively pup we loved dearly. Because we foster rescued Dobermans and have our own we are very familiar with the vets prescribing Gabapentin and had been told we could safely give it to Moki, our pup. I normally research everything and he has been kept alive because we have been extremely careful. Except this time, at the advise of the vet we gave him the Gabapentin, he didn’t eat that evening, nor the next morning, was extremely confused and disorientated, slept most of the day, all effects of the Gabapentin. That evening 3 Sept @ 17:57 almost exactly 24 hours later, while getting his daily meds, he started to fall and my husband helped him on his bed. With minutes, he face became as if in terrible pain and he curled his paws. I knew immediately what was happening, he suffered for several minutes and was gone while I was holding him. Imagine the shock and disbelief, it was horrible but he was gone. As I was holding and somewhat turned around I noticed a horrific bruise the size of a silver dollar on his chest and with no idea of what had happened. I didn’t want a necropsy and wanted him left whole before being cremated. I notices later that the bruise had somewhat spread and the discoloration remained very noticeable. Having done more reading about Gabapentin and some of the side effects 2 items stand out as more serious unusual bruising or bleeding. I realize our vet most likely never read that far into the side effects on a Hemophiliac dog seeing ours was the first case he had ever seen.
Now having read this, we should have never given him that 100 mg Gabapentin. I feel his death was too soon at only 3 and should never have happened. Caused by internal bleeding over the course of the day and caused sudden death 24 hours later. I hope that by chance this can be helpful for anyone who may have a pup with similar issues. He was taking many supplements and receiving excellent care with a good prognosis and now taken away from us, all in our opinion because of bad advise and lack of knowledge.
first want to say im so saddened what happened to your pup, must of been devastating to say the least, and i also want to thank you for rescuing Doberman’s they are such a misunderstood breed, you are angel!
I would research more before giving to any of my babies ( I lost my QWEENSLAND to my old vet giving her SO many steroids for allergies. I would have just given her the money with no shots to have my Koeda back. Now my babies get nothing until I am satisfied with my investigating and research. My border collie has acute panckritis and wasn’t suppose live to 3 . She is 10 yrs. Old now and eats only raw liver hearts (cow n chicken) kidneys (main organs) no dry kibble I do cook eggs and chicken and carrots for them. After trying anything and everything I discovered RAW. With help from friends (thank u Cheryl DOMM) AND DOC LITHFIELD from our shelter she has been at a good weight for at least 3to 4 yrs. Now people think she’s around 3 yrs. Old. My shepards are older than that and she acts like a puppy. Owe and bone marrow bones raw from grocery store… never any of them get pre packaged treats… I’m a happy dog mommy
Had anyone had problems with Gab. causing seizures? If my dog doesn’t get hers EXACTLY 12 hours apart she has grand maul seizures. The Gab is for pain from a spine disorder. I have only had her 5 months and took her to one vet that just re-prescribed what the rescue had prescribed. I finally have an appointment at an animal hospital that took months to get. I really want to get her off of Gab (by the way, if you look up cautions: the worst is NOT the pain returning, it’s risk of seizures that can be fatal. I hate to ask, but we’re you paid to write this article? Did I read an ad and mistake it for an article? Apologies if it’s my error-this is clearly a vet who is paid by the pharm company though). I learned from all of the vets I have talked to at the hospitals and the veg that saw her that you must not take your pets off cold turkey and I’m learning you can’t even accidentally skip a dose or be late!
Anyone else have a recommendation for a drug that is not so dangerous? I will say that if it weren’t for the seizures, I’d be happy. She seems to not be in pain. But not worth the risk. Thanks for any anecdotal successful experiences with pain management for pooches!
Would never give Gabapentin to dogs again. My IG Lance was given it for herniated disks in his neck, before he was the most loveable dog anyone could imagine. After on it for a week I noticed changes in his behavior and after a month on it he would hide and not want anyone to be hear him. Took him off and his personality slowly (took a month) to come back and he is back to his normal self. My other IG Lola was given it for anxiety issues, her anxiety got worse on it. After 2 weeks I took her off it and she returned to her normal anxious self. We went with CBD for other issues and it helped her anxiety. She just had her left eye removed and the vet wanted to use it for pain and I said no way. It was the only pain med they use so I had to have them call in tramadol for her.
Thank you to everyone for sharing your experiences with this drug. Our pit bull mix was prescribed 300mg (1-2 capsules every 8-12 hours) for an apparent torn/ruptured ACL. I gave him one at 11:30am and another at 7pm, and then I found these valuable experiences and stopped them immediately. By that night he could barely walk, he was stumbling everywhere, and the whole next day was the same. He is a very sensitive dog. Yesterday he started rubbing his head up in a small bush (2 different bushes on 2 occasions) and I couldn’t figure out what he was doing. He was so wobbly yesterday, which caused him a lot more pain in his injured ACL that most of all needs stability, that he wouldn’t go outside after noon, and this morning he was still so afraid of the pain it took me until 9am to get him out the door, by which time he had trouble emptying his extremely full bladder — however once he was willing to go out he realized he could walk a lot better. We thought his wobbliness was from his injury, but now I know it was from the drug. I’m sure it was extremely confusing and stressful for him to suddenly not be able to walk right. This morning he went into the bush again and started digging a hole under it — I think he was trying to hide. He is under the dining room table now facing the wall – not in one of his many soft beds which I’m sure would feel better on his knee. I’m so glad to hear that Lance’s behavior got better over time. I am using Arnica 30C, Curcumin, Omega 3 and Quercetin for his pain. I can’t tell you how important it was that you shared this experience — thank you again!
If my dog has been on 300 mg a day, twice a day for five days, does he need to be tapered off still if only five days? Same with Trazadone 150mg
Gabapentin is NOT approved by the FDA and is euphamistically described as ‘of label’. I was prescribed it for Fibromyalgia and found it to be very addictive. Started on 30 mx 2 and ended up on 1500 x2!
Please read some of the terrible side effects Gabapentin can have on some dogs…urinary incontinence being the least….
We’re now going down the same route with LIBRELA, which is regulated 🤨
Librela was just mentioned on ABC News tonight by David Muir. He said that there has been documentation that this drug causes organ damage and dogs.. It’s the first time I’ve seen the news actually investigate that medication’s for dogs.. I would get them off as soon as possible.
Weening my Chi Now Off GABA to CBD oil…Same idea, But No Side-effects or Addiction..🇨🇦💖 Unfortunately, and Sadly, not Everyone can get it, or have their Vet approve it because It’s not FDA approved.. YET! 🙄🙏 .Laws Need to be Changed, for both Animals and People, CBD truly IS a Life Saving & Safe Medication…for us ALL!
My pup (9 months) was prescribed Gabapentin for pain control post spay surgery. 10 mds TID (q 8 hours). Seemed to be working well but has begun to vomit. Vet thought vomit (based on the overall report we gave to her) could be due to inadequate pain control and advised us to refill, and continue with Pepcid (5 mg q12 hours). Now inappetitance (even boiled chicken and rice) and depression, vomit x4 in the last 12 hours. We decided to hold Gabapentin until we can speak with vet tomorrow. Stable enough not to go to emergency care, but we are concerned.
Hi Alicia, can you tell me how your dog did after you stopped gabapentin? My dog just had surgery a week ago and has Been on it since but has lost his appetite and today is vomiting:( my vet is closed for 2 days
Not enough pain control for a spay. OMG.
*10 mgs q 8 hours
For pets that can not take NSAIDs this is often the only option. My dog is taking it for arthritis and it’s not great – it’s not a NSAID. But she’s able to get up by herself and go outside to the bathroom. And at the end stage life for a 100 lb dog sometimes that’s all we can hope for. It made her unsteady on her feet for about 72 hours.
Lisa, I know I’m late in the comments since this article is a re-post, but have you considered Adequan Canine? I’ve seen a couple other posts mentioning it and thought I’d share our experience. I have a 95# Rott with severe hip dysplasia (both hips). Clearly, she’s the result of people breeding who had no business doing so…but I’ll not get on that soap box. I knew there were issues when I adopted her and have been proactive in supporting her joint health from the start. We’ve been using Carprofen (generic) for quite a while but this past spring it just wasn’t doing the job anymore. We added Adequan injections and have seen a noticeable improvement. I’ve actually been able to cut the Carprofen dose in half using a maintenance injection of the Adequan twice a month – my girl is back to her sassy self (much better than she was doing on the Carprofen alone). My vet said the Adequan is generally very low risk and can be combined with most other meds without adverse side effects. It may be worth considering for an added measure of relief.
Thank you all for your postings and comments. I found them very informative and helpful. Our dog has been diagnosed with a degenerative spinal issue and our vet has prescribed him a gabapentin and galliprant. We have been giving him gabapentin twice a day around 8:30 am and 8:30 pm by splitting the 100 mg capsule into half and a 20 mg galliprant around 2 pm. Does anybody have a recommendation or experience for dogs with sensitive stomach whether we should give the gabapentin with or without meal? He’s also been taking a famotidine (pepcid) twice a day since last September to control his stomach acid, etc. Thank you
I have a Boston terrier. She will 9 on July 4 th. She was diagnosed with narrowing of the spine a couple of months ago. She is on the same exact meds. She weighs 18 lbs. I have been giving her the meds. Mixed with some canned dog food because she is not good at taking meds. She is not doing well. She keeps making weird coughing sounds and acts like she’s try to throw up. Sleeps a lot but can tell she’s still not comfortable. Her body does not look the same. She was always a runner and a jumper. At first I thought it was the gabapentin that was making her worse. I just don’t know anymore. Thinking of taking her for a second opinion.
I believe I left a comment in regards to my Boston terrier being on the exact same meds . How is your dog doing? Mine has only been on these meds. For about 3 weeks. Was diagnosed with narrowing of the spine. Was told by vet, that if meds don’t help may need surgery. She will be 9 on the Fourth of July!
BTW was on GABA until my heart doctor said very bad for heart failure patients–this drug is dangerous.
I understand what’s being said in the article but it’s still very important to remember that there’s exceptions to the rule . I personally was put on Gabapentin 3 separate times and other than it making me dizzy it did absolutely nothing. I think it would stand to reason that it also might not work on individual animals. I would say to owners trust what your ” patient ” is telling you and don’t hesitate to try a different medication. At least in the human world of things Gabapentin has been a reaction to narcotics being villainized .
Will gabapentin help with pain for my dog with arthritis
Will it help ease my dogs arthritis and how much will it cost
You do know the drug manufacturer came out and said that using opioid medication with gabapentin is bad right? They specifically warned that taking those two drugs together was causing a number of humans to die in their sleep do to the respiratory system being supressed from the effects of those drugs when mixed. I have asked multiple pain management doctors about this and they say “Yes we know, but the benefits outweigh the risks”. Are you willing to risk your or your pets life?
Gabapentin made my dog’s dementia worse and did nothing for his pain. He was more restless and confused at night while taking it. My vet said that was “not an unusual side effect”.
It is well known to cause hallucinations in humans and my mom experienced hallucinations when they put her on it for pain. The confusion and hallucinations were worse than the pain it was supposed to help.
I am sure it helps some people and some dogs but it is not without side effects. Nothing ever is. Always watch your dog to see if any medication truly helps.
Gabapentin was a human drug in lyrica that not only debilitated people, injured them or killed them. It was taken off the shelves and banned as a result of lawsuits and court rulings.
Instead of losing money on it, big pharm sold it to veterinarians. A huge side effect is that while it’s used for pain management it strips the nerves of vital regenerative vitamins that the body needs to mend. So you’re trying to heal your pet, but hindering it’s mending abilities. Dogs have suffered from this drug.
Check the court rulings and wrongful death lawsuits; then the drug adverse reaction list; there’s a paper trail if you look; check how much money was lost and paid out to human victims. When a drug goes wrong in the human aspect, they sell it to vets because animals are not seen as living beings, they are just property and can be replaced.
It’s been four years since I lost my Ramses. If I recall he was on Gabapentin and another NSAID (possibly Rimadyl?) but don’t recall which. If I recall correctly, Gabapentin alone doesn’t so much but in conjunction with another medication makes it more effective. It relieved his pain enough he could walk again. Its effectiveness may have come from the fact I am very particular about timing and dosage. Every 12 hours is obvious. Three times a day would be every 8 hours.
I think with all medications, prescription or not, it is the owner’s responsibility to be vigilant and note any changes and act accordingly. That may include decreasing or increasing dosages and frequency after consulting with your vet. If it looks like they are doing more harm than good, then you stop, again after consulting with your vet. But be careful in case a medication must be slowly reduced rather than stopped abruptly. For instance in the case of prednisone and some of the opioids which should never be stopped abruptly.
It is we, the owners, that are the first to notice when something is wrong with the companions we are responsible for. We should not relinquish that responsibility to others, even our vets, and simply trust blindly. If a treatment isn’t working we are the first to notice and it is our place to intervene. It is also our responsibility to be educated. Whether it is a prescription my doctor writes for me or one the vet writes for my dogs, I go online and learn exactly what it is, how it works, how it should and should not be given, dosages per weight if available and any side effects I should be aware of.
Gabapentin used off label for humans is a terrible drug, and no doubt just as bad for dogs. Quit pushing the use of this for our dogs!!!!!!!
Dutch Shepard’s are very sensitive to drugs. When mine was given a low dose Gabapentin and monitored when he was neutered, he did fine. He was just over 1 year old. A month later he got porcupine quills in his mouth. There were 6 small ones I couldn’t get out, my regular vet wasn’t available so I took Zee to another local vet. He administered a dose that he said should have worn off in 2 hours. Four hours later that vet carried my crying dog out to my car. The vet was saying “he doesn’t like Gabapentin! Don’t let him out of the car till he really wakes up.” At 2:00 am, 10 hours after it was given, Zee woke up. When I reported this to my regular vet, our conclusion is the amount Zee was given was too much. Many vets don’t realize Dutchies and some other breeds should not be given an amount based solely on weight.
I was on gabapentin for diabetic neuropathy and it didn’t really do anything for me and it made me loopy. I shifted to lyrica and had slightly better results but still made me loopy. I couldn’t walk a straight line and had a client accuse me of being drunk on the job. I don’t drink, it was purely the lyrica. When my Great Dane had amputation surgery due to osteosarcoma, he was prescribed gaba and tramadol. The combination worked but it took a while to dial in the correct dosage. That’s when I learned the vet world has a pretty poor understanding of pain management. I had many back and forth discussions with several vets about what was working and what wasn’t. Left me with the impression that they were guessing. This is when I also learned that tramadol in dogs acts more like a sedative than a pain reliever. So my dog was more knocked out but still in pain. The side effects of the drug mimics signs of pain/discomfort to the point we questioned if the amputation did more harm than good and we went as far as to schedule euthanasia. Luckily that vet upon examining our boy suggested changing up his meds instead and we got another 2years before the OS lung Mets finally did him in
I have a problem with pushing off-label use of pharmaceuticals as routine and “safe and effective”. Not because they may or may not be effective, but because it bypasses a system designed to determine wether or not something is actually “safe and effective”. A year ago, my older dog began to experience some back pain. One vet prescribed rimadyl and another prescribed gabapentin. Neither let me know that the use of both drugs is off-label and neither disclosed to me the potential for side effects and long-term damage. Only after doing my own research did I learn that there is scant and contradictory evidence for the efficacy of either. Neither were especially helpful for my dog: rimadyl didn’t seem to work; gabapentin just made him sleep all the time, which I suppose released his pain but hardly addressed the underlying problem. A year of “alternative” treatments and trial and error with various supplements has brought the pain under control. I often wonder what would have happened if I’d blithely gone along with the “professional’s” assertions that he needed to take one or both of these medications. I may not have letters after my name, but as an observant dog owner it is clear to me that this is not helpful and potentially unsafe.
My English cocker who is 7 and four months has a rare lymphoma of the mouth-not much apparently is known about this as the oncologist explained there is no funding for research as it occurs so rarely.Its been a tortuous month since I learned this and the dog is going for his first radiation tomorrow.We saw the oncologist a month ago and he did prescribe the gabapentin .I did not use it and now reading the article I feel guilty that I didnt .The weather was very hot and I was afraid that the drowsiness from the medication and heat would make it hard for him to take walks etc. and I live in a large apt building where it is necessary .Now its cooler and I will ask if I should use it after his radiation treatments.
My dog was put on Gabapentin following a minor surgery (small, skin cyst removal) and then she was deaf. Can’t prove it was the Gabapentin. But, we are talking about a neurotoxic agent— Yes, a drug that interferes with the metabolism of neurons is a neurotoxic agent. Hearing is a neuron thing. Anyway, neurotoxic agents cause things like Parkinsons and Alzheimers so I will never give this to any of my dogs ever again. A little bit of pain from a tooth extraction or cyst removal is better for your dog than risking this drug. It may well be that dogs are more susceptible to side effects from this medication. The recent push to control pain in dogs, despite the argument from the author of this article, is more likely due to pharm companies looking for the easier veterinary market. By “easier” I mean that the liability is really low and so is the need to prove efficacy– Dogs can’t talk. I’m very disappointed with WDJ for choosing to run an article that promotes this drug without mentioning the known and suspected side effects.
Both my dog and I take gabapentin. I have post-surgical neuropathy and he has jaw cancer. He had a very bad reaction to vetprofen which required hospitalization twice. We both have pain relief from gabapentin. I can not imagine life for either of us without it. Please do not run from this drug without checking it out. It may be the only one that helps.
My 13 year old golden retreiver was on gabopentin for just 2 days when we realized this was what was causing her to barely able to walk and very Wobbly when she did. It seems she has also lost some of her eyesight, either her peripheral or depth perception.
At first we thought she had a stroke. She was so unstable when walking and pooped and peed in the house which she never does. She is better now that we took her off except for her eyesight is still not normal and a still moves much slower than she did. After researching gabapentin side effects, ataxia(incoordination and wobbly) and lethargy are 2 side effects that kept coming up. I never saw the loss of hearing mentioned, but good to know for future reference in case my other dog ever needs to take it which I doubt I will try after this episode.
I think vets should mention possible side effects to watch for since most people don’t always put 2 and 2 together.
My pitt mix did very well with adequan as well for her arthritis. I would recommend people should try it
I am floored by these stories. My Pitbull was given Gabapentin in conjunction with an NSAID for his severe arthritis.He was on it for a few months but we stopped it because he lost bladder control with it. He was already blind from cataracts so we relied on hearing cues to communicate and navigate his life. During the time on Gabapentin, he lost much of his hearing. I attributed it to age (13) but it happened fast and he had great hearing before that. I just now made the connection. I know it is not certain that Gabapentin caused the hearing loss but it is very coincidental. He never regained his hearing.
My 5-year-old Shih Tzu/Poodle girl gets one gabapentin at night due to anxiety. We just adopted her in August. I don’t know specific details of how she was treated before, but I do know that her owner had died and her son took the dog in for a while.
My pup needs to be medicated with gabapentin for anything to be done “to” her like a vet visit or grooming, this includes me bathing her or shaving her paws. Thankfully it doesn’t really make her too drowsy, it just takes the edge off.