What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?

Owners sometimes want to give their dogs some almond milk, coconut water, orange or cranberry juice, or broth. Which liquids are safe for dogs?


Most of us love to share what we eat with our dogs. But what about sharing some of the healthier items that we drink? Let’s take a look at some of the more common beverages we may want to share with our dogs.

Can my dog drink almond milk?

Yes, dogs can drink almond milk in small amounts. Some brands of almond milk have a higher fat concentration or contain more sodium than others. A teaspoon for a small dog or a tablespoon for a large dog once a week should not negatively impact their overall caloric or sodium intake.

Avoid sharing chocolate flavored almond milk with your dog as this contains cocoa, a known toxin for dogs. Although most major brands of almond milk do not sweeten their products with xylitol, be sure to check the label of any sweetened product for this deadly canine toxin before sharing with your dog.

Can my dog drink coconut water?

Coconut water is low in calories and contains no fat. It is an excellent source of potassium but often contains added sodium. For healthy pups, a teaspoon for small breeds or a tablespoon for large breeds once a week should not pose a problem. Dogs with certain types of kidney disease, that haveย  hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease) or that are taking medications in the beta-blocker or ACE inhibitor categories should not drink coconut water because of the high levels of potassium.

Can my dog drink orange juice?

No, your dog should not drink orange juice. Orange juice contains a lot of citric acid that can cause stomach upset in your dog. Citric acid can also cause depression of the central nervous system. Add orange juice to the list of things not to share with your dog.

Can my dog drink cranberry juice?

No, your dog should not drink cranberry juice. Cranberry juice contains a lot of sugar, something your dog does not need in his or her diet.

Many people who ask this question are inquiring about the role of cranberry juice in treating or preventing urinary tract infections. If your dog is experiencing frequent urination or is straining to urinate, please seek veterinary attention immediately. Dogs who are experiencing chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections may benefit from taking a cranberry extract supplement. Talk to your veterinarian before starting any supplements for your dog.

My dog doesn’t drink enough water. How can I get my dog to drink more water?

Dogs should drink about one fluid ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. So, a 10 pound dog should drink about 10 fluid ounces of water per day.

Dogs who eat dog kibble may drink up to twice this amount and dogs who eat canned dog food may only drink a third of this amount. Canned dog food contains up to 70% moisture whereas dry dog food contains very little moisture.

If you think that your dog isn’t drinking enough water, try the following:

  • Wash the water bowls once a day.
  • Add more water bowls or change the location of the existing water bowls.
  • Give your dog a water fountain made for dogs and cats.
  • Add a flavor enhancer, such as bone broth made for dogs or Nulo Hydrate. Avoid bone broth and soup stock made for humans as these products tend to contain onion, garlic, and lots of sodium.

If you want to share a beverage with your dog but aren’t sure if it’s safe, chat with your veterinarian or consult one of the pet poison websites. ASPCA Poison Control has helpful articles at https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control and Pet Poison Helpline has great resources at https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/pet-owners/.


  1. Dr. Jennifer Bailey missed an opportunity to tell dog owners about RAW GOATS MILK as an excellent source of hydration and nutrition. Dogs are not able to digest cow products so well, but they can digest goat products. In fact, with loads of quality probiotics, RGM is great for gut health and immunity. And health begins in the gut. Be sure the RGM is not pasteurized as that kills the probiotics. RGM is also excellent for puppies. RGM can be found in many pet stores, usually frozen, so youโ€™ll need to thaw it. My dogs LOVE it, so I give them some most days. Please help spread the word.