5 Things To Do If You Witness Animal Abuse


I assume that most Whole Dog Journal readers are as upset as I am when I see someone treating a dog badly. What should you do when you see someone being rough with their dog? Hard as it may be, I urge you to be calm and take several deep breaths before you act. Then . . .

1. Assess the situation.

Calmly take a good hard look at what’s going on. Does the human appear to be someone who is simply trying to train his dog using outdated methods and who might be receptive to your assistance? If the person is applying hard yanks on a choke chain or prong collar, or blithely pressing the remote button for a shock collar, they are probably simply following the instructions of an outdated dog training professional and may not know that there is a far superior way to communicate with their dog. If, however, you see someone who has lost his temper and is deliberately abusing his dog, hanging, punching, smacking the dog repeatedly, or worse, this person probably won’t take kindly to your intervention and might just as easily redirect his anger onto you. If this is the case, you need to use extreme caution. The action you take will depend on your careful assessment.

2. Evaluate your options.

If it appears that the dog handler may be amendable to your suggestions, you might approach in your best helpful, non-threatening manner as a fellow dog lover, and offer to assist. If, on the other hand, the handler appears emotionally aroused and dangerous, I wouldn’t recommend approaching or confronting him. If the dog abuser appears violent or unsafe, a better option is to call the authorities.

3. Look for backup.

Regardless of how you proceed, look around for another person who can watch out for you when you step forward. It never hurts to have support; there is safety in numbers. Let your back up person or people know what you intend to do, and agree on a signal you will give if you want them to step up in a show of support or call 9-1-1. Ask them to otherwise stay quiet unless you ask for help; catcalls from the peanut gallery won’t help keep the situation calm and positive.

4. Carefully Intervene.

Approach the dog handler with a low key introduction; something like, “Excuse me, but I have a dog myself (or “I’m a dog trainer”), and if you’re willing, I would love to show you a different way to do that, a way that worked really well for my dog (or “works really well for my clients”).” If the person is receptive, you can coach him through a simple positive reinforcement exercise (you may have to provide the treats, if you have them – another good reason to always have dog cookies in your pockets!), and then explain how the exercise applies to what he was trying to get his dog to do.

Or, if the dog is friendly, you are confident in your abilities and the person is willing, you can take the leash and demonstrate one or more positive behaviors. Then leave the person with some good resources – local positive trainers, books, Facebook pages, Yahoo groups – so he will be more likely to pursue more dog-friendly training with his dog. (Consider keeping a one-page handout of dog-friendly training resources for times like this.)

5. Stay out of it and call the authorities.

If you think the treatment of the dog rises to the level of prosecutable or near-prosecutable abuse, or the person seems dangerously angry, don’t even think of attempting to intervene. If the handler is hanging, punching, slapping, kicking the dog – or worse – step back and call for help. Don’t worry about looking up the number for animal control, just call 9-1-1 and let them take it from there.

If you are carrying a cell phone with video capabilities, and you are at a safe distance, record as much as you can. Unless your support group consists of several large, strong guys who eat animal abusers for breakfast, you don’t want to risk getting yourself beat up in your humanitarian crusade. Do know that if the case is prosecuted, you may be called to testify in court against the abuse. Be willing to bear witness.

Arresting animal abusers was one of the most satisfying aspects of my 20-year career as an animal protection professional/humane officer. I have to say that, notwithstanding my own advice above, I might be hard-pressed to stop myself from physically intervening if I saw someone violently abusing an animal. I’m not saying you should, mind you, but I would understand if you did!

Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, is WDJ’s Training Editor. Pat is also the author of many books on positive training. 

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Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA
Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, grew up in a family that was blessed with lots of animal companions: dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, goats, and more, and has maintained that model ever since. She spent the first 20 years of her professional life working at the Marin Humane Society in Marin County, California, for most of that time as a humane officer and director of operations. She continually studied the art and science of dog training and behavior during that time, and in 1996, left MHS to start her own training and behavior business, Peaceable Paws. Pat has earned a number of titles from various training organizations, including Certified Behavior Consultant Canine-Knowledge Assessed (CBCC-KA) and Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA). She also founded Peaceable Paws Academies for teaching and credentialing dog training and behavior professionals, who can earn "Pat Miller Certified Trainer" certifications. She and her husband Paul and an ever-changing number of dogs, horses, and other animal companions live on their 80-acre farm in Fairplay, Maryland.


    • Slapping and physical hurting a dog or screaming at them are outdated methods that do not work anymore and should not be used. Even that can go through as abuse. It does not work anycase because the dog just gets scared.

    • I have a friend I just found out her hubby had has bad anger issues and they have a hound dog puppy for 1 year his wife said she had to leave for 2 days cause he strangled the dog so badly. If I saw this I beat the shit outta him and call the cops. I dont know what to say to her bf I hate him and if i had my American Bulldog around i get him to bite him but my dog is so gentle. Why he taking he anger out gonna small hound dog? Does it make him feel good to hurt a cute innocent dog just cause it barks? I’m so upset I wanna buy them a bark collar

  1. I witnessed an abusive dog owner some years ago while on vacation. Although he wasn’t hitting the dog, he was angrily yelling at the dog and forcefully yanking the dogs leash. We wound up at the elevator together with our dogs. I made a neutral comment to hom about what a handsome dog he had. He turned on me, letting out a string of threats and profanity. I backed away and got out my cell phone. His tirade continued. I warned him I would call 911 if he continued. He continued, and I called 911. The evening manager of the hotel had come out from her office, caught most of the exchange on her phone,she too called 911. In the end, the next day, the man and his girlfriend tried to harass me, which resulted in another 911 call, and another report to the hotel. After a visit from the cops and Animal Control, this vile man was thrown out of the hotel. Their poor dog was taken by Animal Control. Lesson, call the cops if you witness Animal abuse.

  2. I guess I don’t consider my safety as much. I am a petite woman. I feel like a man is less likely to attack me because I’m smaller and female. So I tend to speak up. I know this sounds counterintuitive. I also speak up in public when there are witnesses. I almost feel like… if he is willing to be aggressive to me after abusing his dog, then his legal troubles will be piled on exponentially. I have said things plainly like “don’t hit your dog” or “stop hitting your dog”.

    It is true though for a man to abuse a dog in public like that must really have some major issues and would be more likely to harm another.

  3. I have watched a woman kicking and yanking at a young lab puppy. I yelled out “real nice, you dumb bitch”. I want her to kick me in the ass up and down the street and see what happens. Anyway I’m very disturbed by her actions and I’m gonna be watching for her. When I see what apartment she goes in I’m going to call the humane society.

  4. There this teenager kick a boxer dog of taking a pee I ask her nicely to plz stop abd she told.ne to.mine my own business I got really up set they wonder why there dogs so scared about them I toks her that animal abuc a she called me a bitch I can hury my dog if I want to.

  5. Calling the local animal control or police won’t work in my county as they need to see the abuse in action. Videoing it would be the answer. Otherwise you are simply documenting an incident you saw. And that is better than nothing.
    I’m afraid I have yelled at people with no thought for my own safety and in the moment, they might be mad and tell me to butt out, but so far all but one, and there have been more than I can recall, have stopped the kicking, hitting or yelling.
    Several looked like they would continue but I yelled some more and they stopped. Perhaps I gave them something to think about and perhaps I was extremely unwise.
    The one who did not stop was a woman on a beach who kept twisting the ear of her poodle. I yelled my head off and she kept laughing at me and twisting that poor dog’s ear. this was before cell phones. It is good I don’t own or carry any weapons!

  6. I just witnessed a woman pulling her dog’s leash, kicking and slapping the dog. Without really thinking, I hit the top of her head with a small water bottle, making it bounce on her head.
    Oh, she didn’t like it. She said she was only punishing her dog who ate something on the floor, she was just educating her dog. I said it wasn’t right, but she didn’t agree.
    I said “ok, you can hit me back” but she didn’t.

    I know what I did was stupid. I should’ve intervened carefully, peacefully. She said I hurt her.

    What do you think ?

  7. I think far too often we all take step 5 and stay out of it so far as to do nothing at all. One reason is all of those drama movies on the television that shows how short life can be when you intervene in something or with someone you aren’t familiar with.

  8. I’m usually wary of intervening because I am afraid the dog will be treated even worse once they’re out of my sight. But once I arrived at the dog park to find a guy hanging his pit bull by the leash, I screamed at him to stop, of course he told me to “mind my own f**king business.” I threatened to call the police and he stopped.

  9. Is there a reason that this ‘abouser’ is male ????
    The reason i (a male ) searched for help on the subject was because a woman was grabbing her dog by the struff of its neck and throwing it about in the direction she wanted even tho she one had a lead attacked to the collar of the dog and the dog was also wearing a harness

  10. So my bf has been terrible lately he’s getting ready to compete in a fitness show and he’s of course taking steroids. Test deca winy hgh and he is even taking whatever people take that have diabetes. I’m over it and I actually want to leave him but I love the dogs. I just finished him just beat the puppy out of control and I don’t know what to do

    • Get rid of the boyfriend or get rid of the puppy. If you allow that puppy to be abused, you are part of the abuse. Find another home for the poor thing, and do not get any pets while you are with someone like that. I don’t care why he does it. Anything would be better for that pup than a home where he should be safe, but instead gets abused. Rehome the puppy immediately.

  11. Thinking about distraught parents over-correcting a child, I was taught to calmly ask “Can I help?” or “Do you need help?’ Non-confrontational questions may break the momentum, and help defuse the anger. And can be said from a safe distance.

    Name calling and overt hostility just seems to escalate tension and anger.

  12. Ah! Asking if I can “help” seems the best approach – as approach I must: in my area animal abuse will rarely be prosecuted, if someone tries to beat up me they will get an assault charge. I wish it was different but animal abuse laws need to be enforced to be useful.

  13. Boy the timing is incredible for this article.
    I have 3 individuals I know. First is an individual we spend Thanksgiving with every year. They have Rottweiler 1.5 years old. We were at their house this past Sunday. I’m no expert, but I’ve only spent 20 plus years training all types of dogs & competing in competition for 9 of those years. I was telling him not to speak to the Dog with such a rough voice. Use a high pitch tone & the Dog will respond much faster & enjoy it. So, here he is repeating his commands 2 to 3 times in his rough voice & naturally the dog did what he commanded,”OUT OF FEAR”!!
    So, I took a few treats & with 1-command had the Dog doing whatever I ask in seconds! He then said don’t talk to the dog with a high voice. I just thought OMG! So I stopped completely. 1-word – “Ignorance”!!
    Second, my Pastor took his daughters Golden Retriever, why? Her husband kept the dog in a crate with a muzzle on all day long. Frankly, in my opinion that family should never be allowed to own a Dog!!
    We are at dinner 2-weeks ago. My Pastor who wanted the dog{why I don’t know?} said Scott what do I do when the dog pees on brand new bean bag chairs for the grand kids? He said I was so mad & I rubbed her nose into the pee & crated her. I’ve know him for 25 years. I said Harv, when was the last time you took the dog outside? I’m not sure he said. Eventually I found out he was only taking the Dog outside maybe 2 twice to 3 times a day. He ask me how many times do you take out Eli {my Golden}. I said Eli tells me when he is ready. I said if you pay attention to the Dog she will tell you every time.

    I’m sorry, to many people that have dogs but should never have a dog!!