Resource Guarding eBook
Newly Updated!
It happens around his food bowl, a toy, or maybe his favorite spot in the house.
His body tenses slightly then freezes – he might give you the hard-stare and even a low growl. Suddenly he’s showing his teeth and maybe even snapping! This threatening behavior is natural for a dog, but potentially dangerous to you!
Now, with Whole Dog Journal’s downloadable e-book RESOURCE GUARDING, you’ll learn all about this frightening conduct, including the:
• Different Types (think he’s protecting you – think again!)
• Warning Signs (including his tail wagging faster!)
• Solutions (shouting “NO!” will make the problem worse!)
In addition, RESOURCE GUARDING will teach you how to determine the seriousness of the problem, simple management techniques, and proper behavior modification methods (including when to call a trainer). All this plus special sections on resource guarding against other dogs, and food bowl desensitization.
RESOURCE GUARDING is a common yet serious problem, but there are solutions. Order your copy of this downloadable e-book today, and learn what they are.