Most Common Types of Dog-Dog Aggression

Excerpted from Fight!: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Dog-Dog Aggression by Jean Donaldson

When you hear hoof-beats coming over the hill in Wyoming, think horses, not zebras. While it could absolutely be that there are zebras โ€“ or albino miniature ponies with pink ribbons in their manes โ€“ coming, the first and most obvious thing to rule out is horses.

When it comes to dogs who donโ€™t do well with other dogs there are some common rule-outs that account for the bulk of cases. These are:

  • Dogs that come on too strong. They appear hyper-motivated and have coarse social skills. Then this type presents along with an impoverished play history, Iโ€™m going to refer to them as โ€œTarzanโ€.
  • Dogs that are sensitive to the proximity of other dogs. They may present with frank fearlessness or more subtly, as asocial animals that get snappy if a dog gets too close or makes social overtures.
  • Dog-dog resource guarding
  • Harassment, i.e. bullying or โ€œhazingโ€ of other dogs.
  • Play skills deficits โ€“ dogs that play but lack some of the features of normal play, causing frequent tipovers of their play into fighting.
  • Strong genetic predisposition to compulsively fighting

For more details on how to identify the specific aggressive behavior your dog may be exhibiting and ways to use behavior modification to retrain a dog, download Jean Donaldsonโ€™s Fight!, A Practical Guide to Dog-Dog-Aggression.